Ancker's Jedi Unlock Journey *Unlocked!*

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Hey Everyone! Ancker here ;)


I manage to unlock Jedi Padawan!
And so my Journey continues... :-*

How to Obtain 7/7 Force Stage?
Jabba, Nym, Imperial/Rebel Themepark.
X amount of Badges/POI
X amount of Professions (2 Stages)
x amount of Days/Account Age (/claim to see the time logged) (I unlocked at 155 Days)
(Im writing X since people have different numbers when they changed Force Stage)
How can I check my Force Stage?
You can check your Force Stage by kneeling and meditating at placed Force Shrines around the world.
When you Kneel and Meditate, the Shrine will tell you a message corresponding to your progress (See below)

A list of all the Force Shrine locations can be found in this post:
*CLICK* Force Shrine Locations

Thanks to Pharcyde for gathering the info in this POST
What Force Stage am I?
1) You feel nothing special
2) You feel a slight tingle
3) You feel a faint sense of what you believe is the force
4) You defiantly feel something different changing within you... it must be the force
5) You feel the force growing within you
6) You feel a strong sense of the force
7) You feel an inner glow, The Force is with you!

Thanks to gazzibiuk for gathering the info in this POST

2. The path of a Padawan

1. Prologue: Force Sensitive Journey 155 days played

After a long time farming for Force Sensitive (Jedi), I'm beginning to reach a dead end with things to do/try.
Like many others, we are stuck at 6/7 just searching for a needle in a haystack, but instead of there being only one haystack, there is multiple haystacks.

Its a hard topic to bring up without sounding like I'm hating, being impatient or whatever negative thing you could add to the list. (So please bare in mind, I'm mostly trying to gather more info to hopefully get closer to the unlock)

After playing a long time on Awakening <3 (Nothing like our +6 months people), But still enough to enjoy many of the professions and content there is at this stage.
I reached a point where I (like many others) wanted to Unlock Jedi, to bring back some of the excitement of grinding and being hunted at the same time...

But as said above, I've reached a point where I'm about to join the rest of the following fallen Jedi Grinders. Due to demotivation.
So this thread is a last attempt to try and unlock before letting others doing the hard work and return when its done.

Finally after a long... Wait- I managed to unlock Jedi Padawan, got to swing my Lightsaber around and collected tons and TONS of valuable Jedi information.

I've added this section for those who love screenshots and to proof I actually killed those targets I wrote in my checklist <3
Sorry for some of the long screenshot descriptions, but I know some love the story behind the screenshot.

Old Man Visit
The day the Old Man "Finally" decided to visit me, and let me continue my Jedi Journey.

These screenshots is also to show people who claim some of us Jedi Grinders quit because the game is to "hard" or that we should just play the game and we will unlock someday, I've done nearly everything the game has to offer ^.^
I hope you guys can understand my demotivation, I've taken down targets most big groups struggle with, I literally done everything there is, but still no Force Change and now my only next personal Challenge is either becoming a Jedi or Soloing Death Watch Bunker.
Ancient Krayt
One day our Guild decided it was time to teach those Krayts, who is the Boss of Tatooine.
Ancient Krayt getting its butt kicked! It did get a few of us before we took it down.
a Dark Jedi Knight
This was my first challenging solo kill, but also a group kill.
I had tried countless times to kill this Dark Jedi, but every time he managed to knockdown and oneshot me, and always when he was at 2-10% Mind.
So I called for backup, a few of my guildmates came and after a few attempts, we killed him.
And just as we killed him I wrote "If the server resets, I'm gonna kill someone" and apparently the server heard that and reset...
At that time my guildmates had already travel away by death, so I said to myself... "one more try"... and BOOM! there can only be one true Dark Jedi! *Hint Hint*
The kill of Acklay was actually not intended/planned. Had seen a few people both in-game and on the forum saying the Geonosian Caves was very hard and nearly impossible to do in a small group, so I took the challenge to see how far I could actually get solo.
After a few deaths and learning how the Geonosian Cave worked, I made it to Acklay himself, and a few deaths later, I managed to kill him solo
That being said, Geonosian Caves is not easy, but it is soloable if you put the effort into it.
Nightsister Elder
Image Image
The Elder was actually my first challenging target I tried to solo, when I first began playing. Unfortunately after getting killed countless times, I left her alone.
After starting my Jedi Path and improving my gameplay, I managed to finally Solo her! No one can stop me!
Axkva Min (Nightsister Boss)
Image Image
After running around the Nightsister camp killing Sentinels and Protectors for tapes, I discovered Axkva Min in their camp.
I was curiouse to see what she could do, so I attacked her only to get my butt kicked! (This was around the time as I tried to solo the Elder)
A few months later, with tons of experience behind me, I managed to Solo her, I've not heard anyone on the server doing this achievement, felt very special :)
a Light Jedi Sentinel
While driving around on my swoop, discovering locations, I came across the Rebel temple.
There were 2 Jedi Sentinels with 98% resistance and 1.3 mill Mind.
I always love a challenge, and I wanted to try and solo one of them, unfortunately with the server stability and desynch. I gave up after running around for 20 min with him. most of the time I could only think about if the server would reset.
Its definitely possible, but only if the server was 100% stable and a doctor nearby for rebuff :P
PVP + PVE Event <3
Image Image
A little reminder of our last PVE & PVP event!

*This was my Checklist before I unlocked Jedi Padawan.
To see what is required to unlocked, please see "FAQ Section" on this thread.*

Here is a list of what I've done and achieved.
(I will try to update the post as more info is given/asked)

Ancker Checklist:

Imperial Theme Park
Jabba's Theme Park
Nym's Theme Park
Maurauder Camp

Rebel Theme Park (Ew!)
Singing Mountain (Rebel Lovers, EW!)
Nightsisters (Not able to start the questline, (-5000/+5000 Reputation)

Account Age:
155 Days

Have done over 50% of the Missions listed (Link Below) ... index.html

+30 PVP kills
0 Bases Destroyed
Highest Rank (Colonel)
AT-ST obtained

Overt Time: Above +1 Day total

Mobs / High Targets:
Killed most "normal" mobs
Krayt (Adolescent, Canyon, Giant Canyon, Grand, Juvenile, Ancient)
a Dark Jedi Knight
Tusken King
Acklay (Geonosian Caves Boss)
Nightsister Elder
Axkva (Nightsister Boss)

a Light Jedi Sentinel (98% Res + 1.3 Mil Mind, Durable, but not with the Desynch + Server uptime)

High End Content:
Geonosian Caves
Corellian Corvette
Death Watch Bunker

Badges & POI:
All obtainable Badges displayed on the List (Except missing Professions listed below)
Badge Collector: 100 Badges
Master Explorer: 45 Badges
Quest: Mark of Courage, Intellect, Altruism, Honor and Hero
Event: Project Dead Eye
Warren: Compassion & Imperial Hero
Naboo Theed: Trivial Librarian
All Racing 1st. placed Events
Accolade: Live Event Medal

Buildings and Installations:
(Placed & Interacted with)
Personal Mineral Extractor
Mineral Mining Installation
Heavy Mineral Mining Installation
Micro Flora Farm
Automated Flora Farm
High Capacity Flora Farm
Personal Chemical Extractor
Chemical Extractor
Deep Crust Chemical Extractor
Personal Natural Gas Processor
Natrual Gas Processor
Heavy Natrual Gas Processor
Personal Moisture Vaporator
Moisture Vaporator
High Efficiency Moisture Vaporator
Wind Power Generator
Solar Power Generator
Fusion Power Generator
Equipment factory
Food Factory
Structure Factory
Wearable Factory


Bounty Hunter
Combat Medic
Creature Handler
Droid Engineer
Image Designer
Squad Leader
Teras Kasi Artist

Last edited by Ancker on Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:12 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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I am glad you decided to go through and post this. It's a very good layout and concept you are attempting to address and make note of things accomplished.

Though I find your lack of rebel love.... Disturbing, and leaving much to be desired. :P

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Ancker wrote: +30 PVP kills

Just a quick FYI, you know, killing ALTs and ALTs of guildmates isn't PvP...

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BigQEd wrote:
Ancker wrote: +30 PVP kills

Just a quick FYI, you know, killing ALTs and ALTs of guildmates isn't PvP...
Those are from Overt kills and the PVP event. But still hope PVP is not the Unlock key, cause otherwise I'm afraid since I've been running around Overt for many Buff sessions without seeing any Rebels to fight :<

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Could be an issue if 500 or 1000 kills are required. Agreed.

Oh and for those thinking PvP shouldn't be a prerequisite, remember Jedi are perma-overt and will need the knowledge and experience... ::)

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BigQEd wrote:Could be an issue if 500 or 1000 kills are required. Agreed.
Now, Im not trying to be rude but,
I can say from my experience with our current PVP activity, reaching +100 PVP kills would take an insane amount of time, especially if you manage to get the Deathblow yourself every time. (cause I doubt the system keeps track of assists)

(Keep in mind the following thing I say is not whine about how the system works, but more how long it actually takes)
Without PVP events like the last we had, the time it takes to rebuff and get back into the fight, means even if you managed to get a huge PVP battle up, everytime you kill a player they are out of the fight for a long time, and the amount of Deathblow will go down rather quickly, even if they have their own buffers with them.
And you're not only fighting the opposite faction, but also your own for the Deathblow.

I love your motivation to get more people do PVP BigQEd, and I really hope more will be hyped about it.
But with the the current timeframe and activity, Im very worried. (My opinion and estimation)

Oh and for those thinking PvP shouldn't be a prerequisite, remember Jedi are perma-overt and will need the knowledge and experience... ::)
Your Server, your Rules. :)
I have no problem if PVP is a part of it, but I think I speak for many of my fellow Jedi Grinders when I say, we wouldn't mind whatever challenge you throw at us, but its the fact we don't know exactly what we are doing, that is draining us.

Many of us reach a point where we get burned out cause we have no progression, and we have done almost all the thing there is and since PVP is so scares, its very depressing to run around for hours without any action.
Now I'm not saying we should just get spoon-fed Jedi's left and right, but if the Mystery of the unlock is the "hard" part and the actually thing behind it is not. I'm sorry to say, I feel its done the wrong way. (But I can't say for sure since I don't know what the actually challenge is)

I love the fact Jedi is Perma-overt and hopfully will bring even more PVP activity to the server
(Please bare in mind what I'm about to say is not an attack, but just personal opinion.)
The whole "you need the knowledge and experience" is just like games that "force" you to beat the whole game on Hard before unlocking the "Ultimate Hardcore mode"... Dont hold our hands, if we want to go be a Jedi totally unknown of anything PVP related, let us fail or even surprise you, just let go of my hand. :P
No hate BigEd, I know what you mean, but I just wanted to share my Point of View.

I know some people are making smaller PVP events (And that is super great!)
But I personally don't like fighting people who are grouped and prepared for the big PVP battle, cause that means I have to wait and find a team myself and it just becomes more time consuming.
I'm a noob at PVP, and I would most likely fail even more in smaller surprise scale battle, but I enjoy being ambushed or Ambush, much, much more.

Sorry for this huge Wall of text, It was not my intention to hurt or offend anyone, but just to voice how i feel about the current unlock thing. Hope you know how I feel :)

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Really no need for long posts. All I can say is encourage more PvP, if you believe this is a missing element.

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Personally I like the story of your progress and I like to see players doing things like this. Fact is we have been having people asking for more info on Jedi from the beginning and from the beginning it has always been the same. We won't tell you how to unlock, we won't give any more hints. It's not the same for everyone.

I am sorry for those that are frustrated or fatigued. This is how it is on Awakening. Only the truly dedicated and patient will obtain Jedi. Even then it will be a hard road.those that keep asking will be disappointed. You will get the same answer every time. You have to make the decision whether or not that is good enough for you.

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He did post something of interest: Deathblow is not granting a point for those that assisted which suck for good, how about you get incapped = you are killed and assist counting as well.

As for anything perma Overt, it is not just how the game work out not without a clear path to jedi so can be more protected by fellow jedi kind of idealogy, maybe afterall it would be the best for it just being a vanity profession you can unlock but on pair with all other profession, but has an either tanky or DPS approach to it, else it will just be the next FOTM, severe downgrading any other profession by far, was one of Sony's mistakes as well that on sight lead to the CU and later on the NGE.

Sorry for interrupting really, and yes I believe perma overt was removed in the end of pre-Cu or start CU for good reasons.

Also if wanting to keep an alpha class then the perma overt towards both factions so no additional benefit in PvP from either side.

All this alpha stuff is kind of a childish thought generated by a sick mind known as Sony Online Entertainment.

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BigQEd wrote: All I can say is encourage more PvP, if you believe this is a missing element.
I feel it's only fair to say, the people who believe this to be the case are only due in large parts to *hints* by yourself and a few others from the Awakening team. To be frank, you were basically hitting them on the head with the idea and some did not register it till others started to say "Yea, guess that does make sense when you put it in terms of jedi knight = forced pvp". Which has and will always surprise me cuz on my first day when I read that post by Cynar, I was pleased to know there be a lot of people pvping for the sake of force sensitive unlock considering Jedi Knight requires one to be perma SF / overt.... Imagine my surprise few weeks into playing on server. Lol.

Maybe PvP is not the answer to unlock (for everyone?), only you know... Yet there in lays the problem, community members will hang on your word because it's the only sense of direction for them. I think Ancker has made some great points in both her journey on the server, and a collective perspective of some inherent problems that face "Jedi Grinders" as she calls it. These forums in large part have been dead since the first week or so since I joined, my hope is Ancker's post here breaths life back into the conversation of potential unlock options, the alternative is not what any of us should want... Well, that is what I hope at least.

For me anyway, unlocking force sensitivity is more about the journey then destination. To put it in a perspective I told and recommended to Ancker in-game, I play Razikale as a PVP-RP style (most things I do in game are In-Character, except tells), I have an idea of his character traits and personality and whatever I do in game reflects that. An example of this is he will not kill non-aggressive creatures unless a direct threat to him or others (I cheated at start of game on famba missions, in my defense, character perspective was not established yet), he will also not make a point of attacking things that present no challenge to him. So yea, It's simply not priority #1 for me, were it ever to be the case it only regards me wanting to play around with Jedi builds and there are other servers for me to that (least I think there are). Yet I feel very much a minority in this because while I enjoy talking to people on server in regards to Force Sensitive possibilities, it does not determine my priority, yet I empathize with those who really have done so much in game they feel they have hit a wall of things to do.

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I know the path to obtaining Jedi is difficult with the mystery surrounding to exactly "how". but what i can gather knowing 2003 technology, each playable character made is imprinted with a random set of "Tasks" that you must complete (flag as true) in order to begin jedi training.

Each player has at least 7 "Tasks" that the server must flag as true if you are to begin your jedi experience. At least 2-3 of these 7 tasks involve mastering a specific profession, and the other 4 tasks involve faction reputation, POI visits and PVP kill count.

as far as i know, there is a database storing hundreds of "Tasks" that are used for Force Sensitivity advancement. This is the information i gathered playing SWG Pre-CU back in 2003-2004.

but i heard that the founder has altered the process to becoming a jedi. So my information could be outdated/useless. But is the the best lead i have right now to grow my force sensitivity

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BlackFenix2 wrote:but i heard that the founder has altered the process to becoming a jedi...
You might be right ;)

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Your cantina/store is awesome. Be a decorator not a jedi.

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Ancker wrote:
BigQEd wrote:Could be an issue if 500 or 1000 kills are required. Agreed.
Now, Im not trying to be rude but,
I can say from my experience with our current PVP activity, reaching +100 PVP kills would take an insane amount of time, especially if you manage to get the Deathblow yourself every time. (cause I doubt the system keeps track of assists)

(Keep in mind the following thing I say is not whine about how the system works, but more how long it actually takes)
Without PVP events like the last we had, the time it takes to rebuff and get back into the fight, means even if you managed to get a huge PVP battle up, everytime you kill a player they are out of the fight for a long time, and the amount of Deathblow will go down rather quickly, even if they have their own buffers with them.
And you're not only fighting the opposite faction, but also your own for the Deathblow.

I love your motivation to get more people do PVP BigQEd, and I really hope more will be hyped about it.
But with the the current timeframe and activity, Im very worried. (My opinion and estimation)

Oh and for those thinking PvP shouldn't be a prerequisite, remember Jedi are perma-overt and will need the knowledge and experience... ::)
Your Server, your Rules. :)
I have no problem if PVP is a part of it, but I think I speak for many of my fellow Jedi Grinders when I say, we wouldn't mind whatever challenge you throw at us, but its the fact we don't know exactly what we are doing, that is draining us.

Many of us reach a point where we get burned out cause we have no progression, and we have done almost all the thing there is and since PVP is so scares, its very depressing to run around for hours without any action.
Now I'm not saying we should just get spoon-fed Jedi's left and right, but if the Mystery of the unlock is the "hard" part and the actually thing behind it is not. I'm sorry to say, I feel its done the wrong way. (But I can't say for sure since I don't know what the actually challenge is)

I love the fact Jedi is Perma-overt and hopfully will bring even more PVP activity to the server
(Please bare in mind what I'm about to say is not an attack, but just personal opinion.)
The whole "you need the knowledge and experience" is just like games that "force" you to beat the whole game on Hard before unlocking the "Ultimate Hardcore mode"... Dont hold our hands, if we want to go be a Jedi totally unknown of anything PVP related, let us fail or even surprise you, just let go of my hand. :P
No hate BigEd, I know what you mean, but I just wanted to share my Point of View.

I know some people are making smaller PVP events (And that is super great!)
But I personally don't like fighting people who are grouped and prepared for the big PVP battle, cause that means I have to wait and find a team myself and it just becomes more time consuming.
I'm a noob at PVP, and I would most likely fail even more in smaller surprise scale battle, but I enjoy being ambushed or Ambush, much, much more.

Sorry for this huge Wall of text, It was not my intention to hurt or offend anyone, but just to voice how i feel about the current unlock thing. Hope you know how I feel :)
when i pvp'd on live when you died you didnt wait to get rebuffed. you just kept running back out and zerging. pvp will never happen if everyone has to take time out to get rebuffed.

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sercohw wrote:when i pvp'd on live when you died you didnt wait to get rebuffed. you just kept running back out and zerging. pvp will never happen if everyone has to take time out to get rebuffed.
No way I'd ever zerg. This would end up being a slaughter for the side that lost the first round as you'd keep going against buffed opponents and getting mowed down in a few shots. Not to mention you'd be killing yourself just to fire off your own specials unless you intend just to auto-attack.

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Nice one! Still on slight myself, got that by doing POIs and most of the swoop tracks (Agrilat seemed bugged).

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First of I want to thank all of you guys for your very kind words and feedback. I'm also very happy to see the developers taking an interest in my journey.

I've updated my post with new Kills and Screenshots for those who are interested :)

Axkva Min and Nightsister Elder added to the checklist. (Soloed)
Unfortunately still 6/7

And yes, I've soloed everything (except the Ancient Krayt)
Now that is my little mystery that is unlocked :>

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BigQEd wrote:Could be an issue if 500 or 1000 kills are required. Agreed.

Oh and for those thinking PvP shouldn't be a prerequisite, remember Jedi are perma-overt and will need the knowledge and experience... ::)
I hope you mean Jedi Knights are perma overt .... Jedi were not perma overt prior to the knight trials other than TEFed when hit by a BH

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jwyork wrote:I hope you mean Jedi Knights are perma overt .... Jedi were not perma overt prior to the knight trials other than TEFed when hit by a BH
Of course.

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