Which items actually sell?

Droid Engineer profession discussion
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Force Sensitive
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The title says it all. I'm not master yet, halfway there (2, 2, 2, 2), but my inner roleplay police insists that I at least try to have the character "make a living" by actually making things and selling them alongside the grind. Infinitely more interesting. So, which items, craftable by "not quite master DE" are in actual demand these days?

As a side note, do people actually buy anything on the bazaar, or am I just wasting time and credits trying to sell there?

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Light Jedi Knight
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Look on Vendor Locations/Entire Galaxy to see what peoples have on personal vendors. What is sell directly on Bazar is limited to 50k and few people use that option. You can find more on guides https://swgawakening.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=10646.

Mike's Dream , Tatooine, near Wayfar
Starter Droids, Fish Shop, BH Mini-Shop, RIS Armor, Around Things
MikeAr-Shipwright/Merchant; MikeDydy-12pct DE/Arch;
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Force Sensitive
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Thanks, I'll check that out :)