2023 9th Anniversary Event Hints & Results

Awakening Galaxy General Discussion
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Event Coordinator
<b>Event Coordinator</b>
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:38 am

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Hello Awakening,

Another year has come and gone, our thanks to all the wonderful players that make Awakening the experience it is! Awakening will officially be 9 years old on November 8th! Thank you all, for continuing to be a welcoming and helpful community. To celebrate the 9 years, we have been voyaging through this galaxy as a community, we will be having the following week long festivities (Restart on the Monday the 6th of November through to Restart on the Monday the 13th). The event will include a commemorative set of paintings, XP bonus and a celebratory badge for your characters. The ECs also plan to make themselves available to run some events throughout the week. The results and hints for the weeks events will be posted in this forum post.

In order to permit the maximum amount of player participation, prizes awarded are limited to one minor & the Grand Prize per event, per account. You can win a Minor Prize (Lesser Prize Token) and the Grand Prize for each of the listed events, but no single account will be permitted to win a second Minor Prize for the same event, with the exception of the Lottery, which is considered to be 3 events.

Important Notice: Time Zones can be tricky, and to make it even more interesting, our server time (US Eastern) will go from Eastern US Daylight Savings time (EDT) to Eastern US Standard time (EST) on Sunday the 5th of November at 02:00. Please remember this update in your calculations. As always, you can google the current time in New York City, USA if you wish to get a comparison for your location.


Three lotteries will be initiated during the week of the anniversary, each will be drawn in one week's time from the start date.
The 9 Year Anniversary Lottery Droids are located at Keren, Naboo /Waypoint 1524 2711,

Tier 1 Lottery Prize is a Rare House.
  • Winner of the Tier 1 Lottery is... Truth
Tier 2 Lottery Prize is a Rare Bike.
  • Winner of the Tier 2 Lottery is... Douro
Tier 3 Lottery Prize is a Prize Hall Token for use in the Prize Hall.
  • Winner of the Tier 3 Lottery is... Rub Doubt
A Full listing of the available houses and bikes can be found: Here

Imperial Investigation (Rogue Chiss Scavenger Hunt)

After an exhaustive 3 year long investigation, the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) finally managed to locate the weapons factory of the Rogue Chiss faction. Long suspected for passing off counterfeit weapons as genuine CDEF Imperial stock, the extensive collection of weapons has been confiscated & destroyed. In the process of the raid on Lok however, several members of the Rogue Chiss Faction have escaped Imperial detention, taking some of these weapons with them and have stashed them around the galaxy (see Hidden Prize Box event). The ISB hereby calls on all loyal citizens of the Empire to assist in the acquiring the current location of these Rogue Chiss operatives. The ISB will reward the first person to email our agent Rogue the location of each of the following operatives with a Lesser Prize Token. Furthermore, the Empire will show its appreciation to the first person to locate and email our agent Rogue with the location of all 8 operative in a single email with a Rare Bike captured during the raid on the Rogue Chiss Factory. A Full listing of the captured bikes can be found: Here The Empire will recognize all those who locate all 8 of these persons with an in-game Badge. Gratz to Par, First to find and Email all 8 Rogue Chiss in a single Email, he wins a Bike of there choice. Any who email Rogue all 8 before sever reset Monday will recieve an in-game badge.

Please email our agent Rogue the following information:

(Name of NPC) [X Y Z coordinates] [Planet]
e.g: Rogue Chiss -997 5 -5580 Naboo

The ISB has obtained the following information to assist you in your hunt for these dangerous criminals:
  • First Rogue Chiss Operative: Is rumored to be on Tatooine and is rumored to have extensive contacts with a smuggler group on Tatooine. Congratulations to Jaa for being first to find this Rogue Chiss
  • Second Rogue Chiss Operative: Is rumored to be involved in specialized research on Dantooine. Congratulations to SirButtHurt for being the first to find this Rogue Chiss.
  • Third Rogue Chiss Operative: is rumored to be fascinated with Gungan Culture on Naboo. Congratulations to Evecglowy for being the first to find this Rogue Chiss.
  • Fourth Rogue Chiss Operative: is rumored to be the Rogue Chiss Pirate contact on Talus. Congratulations to Maloo for being the first to find this Rogue Chiss.
  • Fifth Rogue Chiss Operative: is rumored to have been a Rebel sympathizer in their youth, before the Great North West Flood devastated Yavin IV. Congratulations to Par, for being the first to find this Rogue Chiss.
  • Sixth Rogue Chiss Operative: is rumored to have close personal ties to the Narmle Militia on Rori.
  • Seventh Rogue Chiss Operative: Clue 2 is rumored to be the Rogue Chiss Researcher assigned to Lok..
  • Eight Rogue Chiss Operative: Clue 2 is rumored to be the Rogue Chiss Salvage Expert on Dathomir.

Crafting Event

The Rogue Outpost Chamber of Commerce (ROCC) requires your assistance in acquiring the following items to assist in preparation for the celebrations.

How it works; starting around 08:00 after reset Monday, the Event Coordination staff will announce the first of 8 crafting items* to be created or resources gathered, and to be dropped off at a vendor located in the Rogue Outpost (-1020 -5572 Naboo). The final item must be crafted by the character submitting the entry (component pieces may be made by others, but must still meet any requirements requested). Items will be announced every 12-36 hours, until all 8 items have been listed, around 20:00 on Saturday. In order to ensure accuracy and to make things easier to track, only entries dropped off to the vendor will be accepted as valid. The time remaining on the vendor offering will be used to determine who was first to submit each item.

*Crafting items will only need a skill level of Master Artisan or lower, the name of the item (and or subcomponents) will need to meet that which was specified by the Event Coordination staff, to prevent submission of items produced prior to the event.
*Gathering Items may require Novice Scout
The ROCC will reward the first person to submit each of the following items with a lesser prize token, as well as a Grand Prize for the First person to submit all 8 items with a Resource Deed as awarded through the veteran reward system. The ROCC will recognize all whom complete every stage of this event with an in-game badge.
  • 1: The RoCC requires Drinks for the festivities!
    • Please bring all 7 drinks (Aitha,Caf,Jaar,Jawa Beer, Ruby Bliel, Spiced Tea, Starshine Suprise) all named RoCC2023 in a single container named #1 - (yourname) to the drop off vendor, NOTE All Sub Components used (Glasses) must also be named RoCC2023 - Congratulations to Rono for being the 1st eligible submission
  • 2: The RoCC Requires Fresh Fish to feed our guests!
    • 100 Units of the Current Spawn of Fish Meat from all 10 Planets, Submit Entries in a Single container Marked #2 - (your name) - Congratulations to Saith for being the 1st eligible Submission
  • 3: The RoCC Requires Resource Extractors!
    • Please bring a 6 set of the personal resource harvesters (Flora, Chem, Mineral, Moisture, Gas & Wind for gathering resources with the lowest BER - you can manage. (Extra Bonus spot Prize for the lowest BER handed in over the week), NOTE: All harvestors must be named RoCC2023 in a single container marked #3 - (yourname) - Congratulations to Morwen for being the 1st eligible Submission
Congratulations to RONO for Providing the Lowest Quality Harvestors of 1 and 4 for the Wind
  • 4:The RoCC Requires Eggs for the post party breakfast!
    • please bring 100 units of the current spawn each of the 10 planets Eggs in a single container marked #4 - (yourname)
  • 5: The RoCC requires some party Dresses for its guests!
    • Please bring each of the 5 Dresses available for crafting (Administrator's Robe, Frock, Maiden's Dress, Plain Robe, Plain Short Robe) named RoCC2023 in a single container marked #5 - (your name) ALL Subcomponents used (fiberplast panel and Metal fasteners Must also be named RoCC2023 - Congratulations To Hisana for Being the first eligible submission
  • 6: The RoCC Requires food for the festivities!
    • Please Bring all 12 food items available to craft (Blob Candy, Bofa Treat, Caramelized Pkneb, Carbosyrup, Crispic, Dough, Dustcrepe, Exo-Protein Wafers, K-18 Rations, Kanali Wafers, Teltier Noodles, Travel biscuits) named RoCC2023 in a single container marked #6 - (your name) ALL Subcomponents used (carbosyrup and dough) Must also be named RoCC2023 - Congratulations to Maloo for being the FIrst Eligible Submission
  • 7: The RoCC needs to repair the Counterfeit Rogue Chiss Weaponry
    • Please bring a factory crate of 25 of the worst quality weapon repair kits you can muster Named RoCC 2023! in a single container marked #7 - (your Name) (Extra Bonus spot Prize for the lowest quality handed in over the week) - Congraulations to Ish For being the first eligible submission
Congratulations to ISH and RONO for Providing the Lowest Quality Tools of 1
  • 8: The RoCC requires Dice for Board games!
    • Please bring a Chance Cube, Configurable Dice, 6 Sided, 10 Sided, 12 Sided, 20 Sided, 100 Sided Dice all named RoCC2023 in a single container marked #8 - (your name)

Hidden Prize Boxes

It is rumored that some small amounts of Rogue Chiss counterfeit weapons have been smuggled away with the missing operatives. Any Loyal Citizen of the Empire who finds and collects all 3 (Rifle, Pistol & Carbine) of these substandard weapons, crafted by Rogue, will be recognized by the Empire for their diligent efforts. Simply submit the 3 counterfeit weapons in a single bag, named after yourself, to our Agent Vender in the Rogue OutPost on Naboo. A grateful Empire will recognize all such persons with an in-game badge. (however you could keep these rare items for bragging rights)

Once per day, Rogue or Koorlbardi will hide a single prize box, within a NPC City Limits (These are the Treasure Chests available for rent from the NPC Event Coordinators for reference and can only be placed outside). Inside these boxes (8 total) will be placed a single Lesser Prize Token as well as a limited selection of the missing counterfeit Rogue Chiss weapons for the collection badge quest. These boxes will be free-for-all, first come, first serve (they are limited to 1 item per character, the Weapon badge reward will only be granted once per account) They will expire 24 hours after placement, and they will not be replaced if they expire before they are found. Each of the prize boxes contains 1 Lesser Prize token, as well as 3 each of the Counterfeit Rogue Chiss Rifle, Pistol & Carbine. As each person is only permitted to take ONE (1) Item out of each box, you will have to choose which prize you desire to take.

Imperial Customs offers the following information to assist you in your search:
  • First Prize Box: Customs has tracked this item to Mos Taike, Tatooine. - This box has Expired.
  • Second Prize Box: Customs has tracked this item to Mos Eisley on Tatooine. - This box has Expired.
  • Third Prize Box: Customs tracked this item to the Imperial Military Outpost on Talus. - This Box has Expired.
  • Fourth Prize Box: Customs tracked this item to Keren City on Naboo. - This Box has Expired.
  • Fifth Prize Box: Customs has tracked this item to Nym's Outpost on Lok - This Box has Expired.
  • Sixth Prize Box: Customs has tracked this item to Restuss on Rori. - This Box has Expired.
  • Seventh Prize Box: Customs has tracked this item to Coronet, Corellia. - This Box has Expired.
  • Eight Prize Box: Customs has tracked this item to Tyrena, Corellia.
Congratulations to the following for returning counterfeit RogueChiss weaponry: Vonra, Ankton, Evec, Oweeo, Sharna, Voffamamma, Miketa, Maloo, Duust

Live Event: Death Watch Bunker Jet Pack Run

Death Watch BunkerJetpack Run (NEW for 2023)
At 2100 EST Saturday 11 November 2023, the Event Staff will gather a group in an attempt to craft a Jetpack in the Death Watch Bunker. Staff will provide the parts for the Jetpack & a Droid Engineer/Master Artisan, but NO FURTHER STAFF ASSISTANCE/DIRECTION WILL BE PROVIDED. It shall be up to the community to come together to accomplish this and figure out how to survive the attempt, as well as provide the team members required. On the Awakening server, the DWB is a challenging place to be, so this will require some conversation among the community, and the correct group mix, Doctor & Medics are a must. Again, No Staff intervention will be used. If the group is successful, the resulting Jetpack will be awarded to the Survivor of a round of Dice of Death!

Gratz to SirButtFlames, winner of the 2023 JetPack!

All Event Clues, Hints & Requirements shall be posted no later than 23:59 EST Sunday the 12th of November 2023, for the night is dark, and full of terrors!

The SWG Awakening Staff

Event Coordinator
Rules & Policies | ToS | Play Now | Awakening Discord | Events
Posts: 52
Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:50 am

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Players that are owed Rewards below, please reach out to Koorlbardi or Rogue:

Counterfeit Weapon Badge:

Tier1 Housing Reward:

SWG Awakening Administrator and Event Team Lead
Rules & Policies | ToS | Play Now | Awakening Discord | Events