1. Travel to Rori from Naboo and locate Goru Rainstealer at location (-5427, -2235) in Narmle.
2. Talk to Goru. He tells you that he needs Zicx Bugs and some bile from the Sarlaac to make you the weapon.
3. Travel to Wayfar on Tatooine and locate Jowir Ar'Lensa.
4. Complete the small quest he gives you and go back to him to receive your Zicx Bugs. Hold on to these as they are important.
5. Talk to Jowir again and he tells you to go to his friend, Palu on the other side of town. Palu says that she needs help to find her sister who got lost on the way to town from the palace. After you escort Palu's sister back to Wayfar, you will get a +25 Disease Resistance Coverall.
6. Go to the Sarlaac at the Great Pit of Carkoon, (location -6183, -3371). Wearing the +25 Disease Resistance Coverall, using the radial menu, collect the bile. You will not get diseased.
7. Return to Goru on Rori.
8. Drag the bugs and the bile from your inventory onto Goru.
9. After giving him both items, you will receive your bug bombs. Congrats!
Stats on the Zicx Bug Bombs:
5 uses
370-580 dmg, 6 attack speed, blast damage
medium armor piercing
7 radius