Ancker's Jedi Unlock Journey *Unlocked!*

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Wait a sec - you solo'd Acklay as rifles/(doc?) that's gotta be way harder than an ancient krayt. Good job there.

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bobaphat wrote:Wait a sec - you solo'd Acklay as rifles/(doc?) that's gotta be way harder than an ancient krayt. Good job there.
Thanks very much, unfortunately I was very new to the game when we killed the ancient Krayt, so don't remember the difficulty.
I've changed my template many times after my profession grind. Ill try make a little recap of the template for those who are interested.
These templates I've tailored to myself and my playstyle, mine might not be the best for you to follow, since they are personal :)

For those wishing to know more in-depth how I build my template and why, please feel free to ask.

Ancient Krayt:
This was during my Professions grind, so believe I was Dancer and Medic. Totally in between profession swaps :P
a Dark Jedi Knight:
*Credits Grind Template*
MRifleman/Smuggler x1xx/Bounty Hunter 4xxx/Medic xx2x
*Wanted to try Combat Medic, unfortunately It felt to much of a disadvantage in PVE for me to like it.
MRifleman/Combat Medic 4xx4/Doctor 4x3x
Nightsister Elder:
*Preparing to swap to Melee when the +10M melee range patch will make ranged templates obsolete in PVE (Atleast Solo) :(
MRifleman/MSwordsman/Medic 434x/Marksman 4xx4
Axkva Min:
*Same reason as above
MRifleman/MSwordsman/Medic 434x/Marksman 4xx4

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Extra little update, someone brought up they changed status from placing installations.
I kinda knew it wouldn't change my status, but I thought I shouldn't leave any stone unturned.

I placed, interacted, extracted, crafted with all the Factories and Harvesters.
Updated the main post.

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Ancker wrote:Extra little update, someone brought up they changed status from placing installations.
I kinda knew it wouldn't change my status, but I thought I shouldn't leave any stone unturned.

I placed, interacted, extracted, crafted with all the Factories and Harvesters.
Updated the main post.
I think there might be a delay on bumping to cause such theories like placing installations to emerge. Server restart/reset delay, time/play time delay, profession mastered delay (ex. would bump on 2nd prof mastered but the system will bump you on the 3rd or 4th prof mastered instead, random). All of that might be on the server but it is just speculation atm

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On 3/7 myself now, after placing a wind power gen and a factory. What structures have you got down Ancker? It may be something as silly as that, just exploring aspects. Presumably you already have in crafting profs.

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StepoKedur wrote:On 3/7 myself now, after placing a wind power gen and a factory. What structures have you got down Ancker? It may be something as silly as that, just exploring aspects. Presumably you already have in crafting profs.
Hey StepoKedur, Nice going with your Progression.

About your question, I usually update my main post, Page 1, with everything I've done.
But for placement and installations I have:

Buildings and Installations:
(Placed & Interacted with)
Personal Mineral Extractor
Mineral Mining Installation
Heavy Mineral Mining Installation
Micro Flora Farm
Automated Flora Farm
High Capacity Flora Farm
Personal Chemical Extractor
Chemical Extractor
Deep Crust Chemical Extractor
Personal Natural Gas Processor
Natrual Gas Processor
Heavy Natrual Gas Processor
Personal Moisture Vaporator
Moisture Vaporator
High Efficiency Moisture Vaporator
Wind Power Generator
Solar Power Generator
Fusion Power Generator
Equipment factory
Food Factory
Structure Factory
Wearable Factory

And still at 6/7

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have you done fishing yet?

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Actually I would love to fish myself but cannot find bait!

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I went in the Imperial Palace.

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Ive done most of the things on your list except a few mobs and professions. Also I can add that I have helped bust 2 bases and placed a base with no change.

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What is your time played?

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Ancker how much game time do you have logged?

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Hey everyone.
Sorry been very in-active, due to real life stuff and not much entertainment from SWG.
Maximus0369 wrote:Ancker how much game time do you have logged?
- Ancker has over 117 Days played (/claim)

I'm sorry to say, but I still think Jedi is not implemented or atleast not obtainable, but hopfully one day it will and then I will return more active again.
And those who say the whole Jedi CA/AA relation to Jedi Unlock, I highly doubt that as well, sounds like more random things to keep the "hype" about Jedi alive.

I might be wrong (hopfully) but have heard some disturbing things over the time I played, so my trust is very faint.
I will trust the developers when I see a "human player" Jedi running around ingame.

All the best to everyone ^.^

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I think 180 day is a key element

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I've been here 190 days and I'm still stuck on 6/7 too

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I have a feeling you're right....
Ancker wrote:Hey everyone.
Sorry been very in-active, due to real life stuff and not much entertainment from SWG.
Maximus0369 wrote:Ancker how much game time do you have logged?
- Ancker has over 117 Days played (/claim)

I'm sorry to say, but I still think Jedi is not implemented or atleast not obtainable, but hopfully one day it will and then I will return more active again.
And those who say the whole Jedi CA/AA relation to Jedi Unlock, I highly doubt that as well, sounds like more random things to keep the "hype" about Jedi alive.

I might be wrong (hopfully) but have heard some disturbing things over the time I played, so my trust is very faint.
I will trust the developers when I see a "human player" Jedi running around ingame.

All the best to everyone ^.^

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Jedi do exist in this time period just not in the mass numbers of the past. it's not about the timeline its about a component of a game we loved.
xtwiztedxsinzx wrote:Quick question, why do we care so much about something that isn't supposed to exist in this timeline of Star Wars?

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Normally I don't argue over small stuff like this, but since there is no other activity in the Jedi forum, we might as well get some more questions about it.
And gave me a good reason to learn abit more about the lore :)

Now, I don't exactly know how to respond to xtwiztedxsinzx claim, since you seem you just don't want or care for Jedi's, So I will give you a couple of answers/responses. (choose accordingly)

The Lore Answer:

I'm not too good with Lore, so I researched a little
"(BBY) & (ABY) stand for Before and After the Battle of Yavin, which occurs at the end of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope."
xtwiztedxsinzx wrote:"Quick question, why do we care so much about something that isn't supposed to exist in this timeline of Star Wars?"
as Feeja already said, they do exist, (Luke Skywalker, just to name one).
Since you mentioned Timeline, SWG is set around 0 ABY - 1 ABY (According to Star Wars Wiki).
The Great Jedi Purge (+Order 66) was set in 19 BBY and Yoda died in 4 ABY.
We can then quickly establish a handful of Jedi that exist at the moment.

If we dig deeper we can find a list of known surviving Jedi of the Purge ... _survivors

Up until 0 ABY many Jedi had been Killed by either the Sith or Bounty Hunters, others had cast aside their lightsabers and some hid on far away planets.
By 1 BBY, so small a number of Jedi remained that the Emperor, considering the Jedi to be no longer a threat, put an end to the Purge.
But there were still survivors, and possible also "soon to be" Jedi's.


The Text Answer:

Now this gonna get messy, stay with me and try not to turn red. ^-^
xtwiztedxsinzx wrote:And if you recall Jedi wasn't a part of this game til a year after live launch, which doesn't make it a founding component but an add in.
You quickly evaded feeja excellent statement or posted at the same time you were answered.

That might be true, however...

On Awakenings own website under About, there is a paragraph that says:
What would Star Wars, let alone Star Wars Galaxies be without Jedi? Let's face it, Jedi are central to the Star Wars story and a very important feature of ANY Star Wars game. Yes, other professions are fun and other professions are extremely important, but we felt Jedi needed to be in the game and ready when we launched.
we felt Jedi needed to be in the game and ready when we launched.

It is also written on &
Awakening advertising:
Highest rated Jedi enabled SWG Pre-CU Server Developed by experienced Pre-CU Players (Checked 7/1/2015)

I could also go around the Forum and hand pluck statements from the Developers from different posts, that Jedi is already obtainable and implemented.
But that would take a lot of time, and I trust many of my fellow players can back me up with what I'm saying.

Now this was not to offend you, but simply to clarify some of the questions about Jedi.

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I like the fact that everybody isnt running around as Jedi, I think people are just a little demoralized with no one (as far as we know) unlocking it yet.

IGN: Ramsus
Current Professions: MSwordsman, MBrawler, Fencer/TKA/Medic. More importantly, forever 6/7!