That's right! The Legion of Rebel Exiles is now recruiting new or veteran members and our standards have NEVER, EVER been lower! Yes, YOU! That's right YOU can now get in on the ground floor of this once amazing guild that is now just a hollow shell of its once great self. Have you ever danced with a nightsister in the pale moonlight? Tripped the light fantastic with a twilek in hawt pants only to wake up the next morning smelling of corellian brandy and shame? Don't worry I haven't...I mean we haven't either...We are taking any rebels or neutrals looking for a drama free place to hang with your significant other. Don't have one you say? We'll create one for you as long as you don't have an aversion to fur, feathers or scales. We have a Level 5 city on located on Naboo (Drei Monde) that incredibly still has a shuttleport, cantina, and a conveniently empty mall to put your vendors in. We'll even donate a small naboo house to help you get started on your nefarious plans to overthrow the imperial twats that roam the land. We also have full time doc and entertainer bots for the time being to help you on your way to stardom or at least until you decide to join a better guild after you get bored of this one.
Contact Ravyn, Aria, Mystiq, Nieut, Dunka or Harriet in game to get you started. You can also visit our ghost town of a website and fill out an application if you prefer I won't promise you that I'll see it within the next 3 days but you never know you might get lucky.
*LORE* Recruiting
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