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Hello, this will be a bit of an introduction as well if anyone is interested in reading... I have spent a lot of time researching SWG servers and this one has impressed me the most. It's still early but I gather a general sense of great things. Community size, committed and passionate devs etc. I salute the entire community part of the Awakening Server.

I played SWG when it first came out and stopped right around the time of JTL. I had the expansion, but never actually played it. That is how long it's been since I played. While I was active I was part of a relatively large Imperial guild that had everything from master crafters to PVP guru's... it was the only time I actually enjoyed PVP in a game since so many would participate. The experience at the time was great... and I always missed that level of social gaming, which I haven't experienced in any other MMO besides maybe EQ.

MOST of my time was spent as a BH and second most (to make money grinding missions) Fencer. I had the 3 AT-ST and full ST gear to try to make up for missing out on the BE that could run around with 3 rancors but that was something I had always wished I could have taken advantage of! Anyway...

If I were to sit here and tell everyone I'm the greatest or any of that it wouldn't be true lol... I hardly remember anything... it's almost like a new game, but things are constantly coming back to me. None of what was, in the social aspect, is the same... though. It's a new generation of gamers... many of which have been ruined by the WoW types and would sooner complain or search for an exploit than to actually read up and empower themselves. (okay enough of my elderly complaining about complainers) I consider myself old school in more ways than just the era I played SWG. I'm also an old school gamer not afraid to type and read. I don't do twitter because my thoughts are more complex than a one liner and I don't particularly dig voice chat... but I'll listen if I have to.

I'm looking for a guild that meets several criteria that are likely impossible to fill completely, lol... I rank them in this order... 1.) longevity and passion (will you be here in a year from now? I hope so!) 2.) has dedicated experts of every aspect of the game... armor, weapons, food, slicers, dancers... everything! I would rather keep my business in the guild if possible! 3.) This is where I will lose everyone... but preferably Oceanic time zone... AUS, Guam, SE Asia etc. I live in Saipan so I'm in a completely different time zone 4.) People who are willing to communicate and have a healthy guild chat. Not shit talkers... I'm too old for that mess... lol... RP'ers are the best because they just want to have a good time... only problem is I don't RP lol

If I haven't bored everyone yet or turned everyone off by my rambling then please... let me know. I may come off as strange but I'm setting it all on the table now so people don't think later on after inviting... who is this weird mf'er who talks so damn much??


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Panchovilla wrote:Hello, this will be a bit of an introduction as well if anyone is interested in reading... I have spent a lot of time researching SWG servers and this one has impressed me the most. It's still early but I gather a general sense of great things. Community size, committed and passionate devs etc. I salute the entire community part of the Awakening Server.

I played SWG when it first came out and stopped right around the time of JTL. I had the expansion, but never actually played it. That is how long it's been since I played. While I was active I was part of a relatively large Imperial guild that had everything from master crafters to PVP guru's... it was the only time I actually enjoyed PVP in a game since so many would participate. The experience at the time was great... and I always missed that level of social gaming, which I haven't experienced in any other MMO besides maybe EQ.

MOST of my time was spent as a BH and second most (to make money grinding missions) Fencer. I had the 3 AT-ST and full ST gear to try to make up for missing out on the BE that could run around with 3 rancors but that was something I had always wished I could have taken advantage of! Anyway...

If I were to sit here and tell everyone I'm the greatest or any of that it wouldn't be true lol... I hardly remember anything... it's almost like a new game, but things are constantly coming back to me. None of what was, in the social aspect, is the same... though. It's a new generation of gamers... many of which have been ruined by the WoW types and would sooner complain or search for an exploit than to actually read up and empower themselves. (okay enough of my elderly complaining about complainers) I consider myself old school in more ways than just the era I played SWG. I'm also an old school gamer not afraid to type and read. I don't do twitter because my thoughts are more complex than a one liner and I don't particularly dig voice chat... but I'll listen if I have to.

I'm looking for a guild that meets several criteria that are likely impossible to fill completely, lol... I rank them in this order... 1.) longevity and passion (will you be here in a year from now? I hope so!) 2.) has dedicated experts of every aspect of the game... armor, weapons, food, slicers, dancers... everything! I would rather keep my business in the guild if possible! 3.) This is where I will lose everyone... but preferably Oceanic time zone... AUS, Guam, SE Asia etc. I live in Saipan so I'm in a completely different time zone 4.) People who are willing to communicate and have a healthy guild chat. Not shit talkers... I'm too old for that mess... lol... RP'ers are the best because they just want to have a good time... only problem is I don't RP lol

If I haven't bored everyone yet or turned everyone off by my rambling then please... let me know. I may come off as strange but I'm setting it all on the table now so people don't think later on after inviting... who is this weird mf'er who talks so damn much??

Centurion High Council might work for you. Maybe nit...not sure lol.

1) we been around since 2004.
2) I think we have experts in almost every area if not all.
3) we are however mostly a US guild we some euro players. so there is the problem :)

If interested check us out at http://chc.enjin.com/

Good Luck friend

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Well, I did say preferably... But I know that of all things is an unrealistic expectation.

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The Rebel thing makes me sad to see, though... Lol... I'll check out your site! Thank you for replying. =)