Question to GMS on the FS system coming

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So I take it that enchanced range accuracy, speed, crafting and all the good stuff will be avail when the village system is out. But my question will you be able to hybrid for example have a rifleman with extended range etc? Or will this be only avail to the jedi people?

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tearawayz wrote:So I take it that enchanced range accuracy, speed, crafting and all the good stuff will be avail when the village system is out. But my question will you be able to hybrid for example have a rifleman with extended range etc? Or will this be only avail to the jedi people?
Assuming it's the same system as live, yes you can do that.

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We haven't completed the process so there is currently no information to share with the public. You'll have to wait until we make it available on our test center and post patch notes.

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Next question: How will this affect those who have already unlocked jedi?

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Pharcyde wrote:Next question: How will this affect those who have already unlocked jedi?
Those who have already completed their Jedi grind must sacrifice a certain amount of points to FS system. They will be able to trade points. All Jedi will be required to have a certain amount of points allotted to FS skills system.

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Pharcyde wrote:Next question: How will this affect those who have already unlocked jedi?
We will integrate with current Jedi. It will be like PreCU with the Village and our custom Unlock.

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So you can unlock with either method, am I reading that right?

Oh, sorry for the necro.

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My understanding for their plan is that you'd unlock FS using the current system, then the village system for getting to Padawan/Padawan trials (this took a minimum of a few months back on live iirc - I unlocked before the village so I'm not entirely sure)

Royan / Vulcan
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Royan wrote:My understanding for their plan is that you'd unlock FS using the current system, then the village system for getting to Padawan/Padawan trials (this took a minimum of a few months back on live iirc - I unlocked before the village so I'm not entirely sure)

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This seems like a strange first post from a brand new member (and my apologies on the necro) but I was wondering if there was a progress tracker or possibly a target time frame for when this system might be implemented on the server? I have my heart set on finally unlocking the Jedi that I never got the chance to finish on live (the NGE happened pretty much right as I became FS) and I'd love to be able to take part in the village system.

Since I'm a new player -- and the unlocking system is mysterious and difficult to achieve -- I figure it will probably be at least another half a year or more before I get there. Do you guys think there's a chance the system will be implemented by then or is it still too early to say?

Thanks in advance for any information -- Happy to be here!

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Jedi unlock through Jedi Knight is available now.

Good luck!

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BigQEd wrote:Jedi unlock through Jedi Knight is available now.

Good luck!
Oh wow, so you already have everything up to the Knight Trials implemented?

To be honest, I'm still totally clueless about how the Jedi questing system worked (since I was never able to start the process before the NGE hit), but the more I read/hear about it, the more excited I am to hopefully get to experience it one day. Really glad that you guys already have so much of it working!

Thanks for the response :)

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Senan wrote:Oh wow, so you already have everything up to the Knight Trials implemented?

You can be a Jedi Knight on Awakening,

AND the code is stable. Unlike some other servers who have implemented things like JTL and FRS and then had to wipe, because their code has issues, Awakening has made sure our code is solid and doesn't put players work and our server, at risk! ;)

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BigQEd wrote:
Senan wrote:Oh wow, so you already have everything up to the Knight Trials implemented?

You can be a Jedi Knight on Awakening,

AND the code is stable. Unlike some other servers who have implemented things like JTL and FRS and then had to wipe, because their code has issues, Awakening has made sure our code is solid and doesn't put players work and our server, at risk! ;)
Yeah, typo on my part; I got what you were saying :)

And that's awesome! Really glad to have found your server. Hard to believe it's been 10 years since I felt at home again on SWG. Way too long.

Edit: Old account -- Just using it to keep up with a ticket that's now solved.
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Bah, double post. Sorry.