Reciclers and other assembly loots-pictures etc.

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Light Jedi Knight
<font color=#FFFF20>Light Jedi Knight</font>
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Given a lot of peoples asked me about the reciclers I was selling, I will put again the links for components and assembly loot.
Components- ... 131141609/
Assembles- ... 131141635/
Good luck, Mike.

Mike's Dream , Tatooine, near Wayfar
Starter Droids, Fish Shop, BH Mini-Shop, RIS Armor, Around Things
MikeAr-Shipwright/Merchant; MikeDydy-12pct DE/Arch;
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also listed in the above link but have seen a few people in game asking about what loot has value so really this is just a bump :)

Data Storage Unit
Place a Datadisk in a Datapad (Empty) to obtain a Data Storage Unit.

Datadisk Repair Kit
Corrupt Datadisk
Magnetic Burner
Magnetic Reader
Recovery Software
Wiring (common)

Datapad (Empty)
Datapad Housing
Broken Datapad (or "Datapad")
Datapad Backlight
Datapad Battery
Datapad Connectors

Type 1 Firework (x5)
Fireworks Packager
Dud Firework (grey)
Firework Casing
Packaged Flash Powder

Printing Kits
Picture Printer
Blank Canvas
Broken Hand-Held Viewscreen (tan)
Paint Cartridge
Paint Dispersal Unit
Bio-Engineer Poster (also loot)
Cargo Port Blueprint (also loot)
Double Helix
Droid in Contrast

Viewscreen Printer
Blank Canvas
Broken Hand-Held Viewscreen (grey)
Paint Cartridge
Paint Dispersal Unit
Viewscreen Technical Reader
Cargo Port Blueprint (also loot)
Coronet Skyscraper Blueprint

#BlowUpCoronet vendor drop off Naboo Con Diarmid -5153 2700