CURTISEBEAR wrote:Great post, and thank you for taking the time to write it. Will there be subjective analysis of templates included eventually? Specifically branches/trees strong for JvJ and JvBH. I've read through guides on templates before but Awakening seems to have far different balancing in terms of JvBH, and with tweaks to powers. I'm interested to know if the buffs to BH essentially force Jedi into defense stacking templates or is MLS or xxx4 LS enough. Also, how relevant is lightning accuracy?
Thanks CurtiseBear!
A bit limited by real life (time wise), so the post updating is going a bit slow.
Would definitely love to make an analysis of templates, will do that when we get the next big Jedi Overhaul Patch. (still too many templates struggling at this time)
I know the Devs are working or planning an upcoming Jedi patch, that hopefully changes how things are now.
Currently the whole JvBH is heavy favored towards the BH with semi good LCC. FastBlast is Jedi killer at the moment.
Without MLS, Ancker get hit for around 2.5k dmg (split 1.2k health/action) constantly per sec, can be lowered a little with food buffs.
I can be killed by a BH, before the game flags him as Red, meaning I can't use (Intimidate) my only defense as powers.
As of forcing into defensive templates, I can say from experience, without MLS you have very little chance to fight off a HighEnd LLC/FastBlast combo.
MLS is definitely needed at this point to survive and fight.
Will try not to go to much into current templates, since they are working on improvements.
All other combat professions have a hard time facing a Jedi, (with few exepctions.) because of Jedi high block chance/Melee Toughness.
M. BH with Fast Blast counters the high Saber Block, meaning with only LS xxx4, you block very rarely against a FB-BH.
JVJ is currently a stalemate or extremely long fights (depending on template).
Many have good suggestions and ideas to fix it. I will wait until the Jedi Patch arrives to comment with my suggestions.
Thanks once again for the warm words

means a ton.