Ancker's Jedi Academy (Jedi Guides + Tips & Tricks) *WIP*

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Nice guide however the States resist from 0040 Enh does not work. The time component does but not the roll chance.

I posted a separate post not to derail this post any.

You may want to highlight that portion in red or something...possibly an *** by it since part of it does work (the 25% time redux)

To my knowledge, the poison,bleed and disease also do not work in that line

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First Merry X-Mas to everyone! (soon)

A small update.
-Edited most of the sections with new pictures and text
-Added a new Donation section. (X-mas is coming! ;) ;) )

I'm slowly trying to finish my guide and my other sneaky Jedi plans.
But time is not with me at this time.
shaitoninvar wrote:Nice guide however the States resist from 0040 Enh does not work. The time component does but not the roll chance.
Thanks Shaitoninvar, Will go over my "Jedi Ability Technical Information" soon and check everything. Will keep that in mind

Sorry if I miss you guys ingame, I'm all over the place (real-life)

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Removes all Wounds, Battle Fatigue, Poison, Disease, Bleeds, States and as a bonus: Fire.
Hey, totalheal does not heal everything in one go, for an example if I toss 4 poisons on my jedi it takes 6-8 total heals to take off the poison it heals a certain amount of poison str that is on you, same with disease and fire.

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Drakathos wrote:
Removes all Wounds, Battle Fatigue, Poison, Disease, Bleeds, States and as a bonus: Fire.
Hey, totalheal does not heal everything in one go, for an example if I toss 4 poisons on my jedi it takes 6-8 total heals to take off the poison it heals a certain amount of poison str that is on you, same with disease and fire.
Thanks for the update Dunka, will update with more details soon.

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Just discovered this thread.

TotalHealOther is also only healing any given pool for 1000 damage and for 250 maximum wounds per heal.

Neither of the Total Heals from Master Healer are working as intended from Live (or as described in the skill boxes for those that didn't play Jedi/Mhealer before).

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Drakathos wrote:
Removes all Wounds, Battle Fatigue, Poison, Disease, Bleeds, States and as a bonus: Fire.
Hey, totalheal does not heal everything in one go, for an example if I toss 4 poisons on my jedi it takes 6-8 total heals to take off the poison it heals a certain amount of poison str that is on you, same with disease and fire.
It is supposed to remove everything in one cast.

TotalHealOther is also only healing any given pool for 1000 damage and for 250 maximum wounds per heal, instead of *everything* in one cast as described.

Neither of the Total Heals from Master Healer are working as intended from Live (or as described in the skill boxes for those that didn't play Jedi/Mhealer before).

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Sorry about the lack of update on the thread, been a little busy with real life stuff.

Finally, Zella unlocked after a long wait, so decided to spend our bonus XP to get her into the Sister ranks.
she unlocked 16th April and 1 day of Force Sensitive Grinding, she is now Padawan! :>

No more Jedi... 3 is enough :P

Will update the guide with more info up-to-date with Pub8 soon.


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Your insane, keep it up.

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Slowly updating the thread.

Added a new Section. "Lightsaber Crafting"
Will try to keep Jedi Server Best resources up to date.
Please feel free to correct if you see mistakes.

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Do you by chance know of a legitimate pre cu source ancker that shows heal other 2 should be 1500 and what it's force cost set up is?

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Mudkipz wrote:Do you by chance know of a legitimate pre cu source ancker that shows heal other 2 should be 1500 and what it's force cost set up is?
Unfortunately I haven't had time to update all the Powers, due to time and I wanted to wait for Pub9 incase there were changes.
Last I did the Healing test was before Pub8, Right of the top of my head, I actually never did any in depth testing on Heal Others 1/2.
I know Total Heal Other Capped at 1500 to all HAM before Pub8, I did not calculate the Force Cost, but it was higher than Heal all/Total Heal Self.

I'm not sure how accurate this is compare to ours, in terms of Force Usage, I have however not been able to do much testing after Pub8 yet. ... _(Ability) ... _(Ability)

I'm sure another Master Healer can assist with your question, otherwise Ill test it when I get home from work if you're interested still.

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I'm more so asking because one of the changes for the main server is putting healotherall 1 to 250 heal only and healotherall 2 to heal for 750 and I don't know what code will be chosen to be brought over but because they can't find legitimate proof otherwise they are pretty much gutting it, as it stands it'll be 600 fc for a healotherall one. So I know it's 500 and 1500 here with it being 1000 for totalhealotherall but if that gets moved it'll practically gut healers support ability

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Maybe the force cost for heal all is or could be related to how much HAM is healed?

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Totalhealself force cost is based on the amount it heals as is totalhealother which now heals 2k ham but costs more force than it used to (because it heals more ofc).

SOE never gave out exact numbers about jedi stuff but there are old forum posts about the effectiveness of the heals.

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