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tnick wrote:
Markfly32 wrote:/bump to show my new sig
That's a sweet photo. Can we be friends now, Markrun? It looks like you have way more fun than we do!
Sure lets go blow up someones turrets.

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tnick wrote:They go where the money is. I doubt they'd take our money though....
Of course we would. It all spends the same. Contact me in game if you're serious.

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Celt wrote:
tnick wrote:They go where the money is. I doubt they'd take our money though....
Of course we would. It all spends the same. Contact me in game if you're serious.
Do you pay <Kk> Jedi's when <BH> members are killed doing their missions against us? I want my 500k bounty...

Inperator, Miseau, Julian-the
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Ashfuehrer wrote:
Celt wrote:
tnick wrote:They go where the money is. I doubt they'd take our money though....
Of course we would. It all spends the same. Contact me in game if you're serious.
Do you pay <Kk> Jedi's when <BH> members are killed doing their missions against us? I want my 500k bounty...
If you was worth 500k...... :P

Terrance - BH <BH>
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Ashfuehrer wrote: Do you pay <Kk> Jedi's when <BH> members are killed doing their missions against us? I want my 500k bounty...
Nope. I don't pay the other bounty either. Just a middle man.

Oh wait, you were bragging that you killed one of us on a mission weren't you? Is that an accomplishment? I thought you were supposed to win. Kill three of us at once, then I'll be impressed.

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LOL ceerak just made MBH and came after you alone?

I need to give that guy a raise. Thanks for the head's up.

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Celt wrote:LOL ceerak just made MBH and came after you alone?

I need to give that guy a raise. Thanks for the head's up.
I think that guys a keeper,can we keep him please?
THATS exactly the type of new hunter we need :)

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Celt wrote:
Ashfuehrer wrote: Do you pay <Kk> Jedi's when <BH> members are killed doing their missions against us? I want my 500k bounty...
Nope. I don't pay the other bounty either. Just a middle man.

Oh wait, you were bragging that you killed one of us on a mission weren't you? Is that an accomplishment? I thought you were supposed to win. Kill three of us at once, then I'll be impressed.
I have tried multiple times and failed miserably :D

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Ashfuehrer wrote:Hmmm...
I am shocked. We came a knocking and you ran like a good little trackstar. Where is all that bravado now?

It's funny. The Not-fucking-around crew shows up and you shoot off like a bottle rocket.

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If you have money you simply just pay off the BHs coming for you... no idea if such practise exist, but you can technically pay a BH to keep your missions for weeks/months.. not really sure if this method is against the rules though.. i know if it is alt hugging.

But there must be a reason why they are untouched... whether if it is shady or not, no one knows.

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QuorTek wrote:If you have money you simply just pay off the BHs coming for you... no idea if such practise exist, but you can technically pay a BH to keep your missions for weeks/months.. not really sure if this method is against the rules though.. i know if it is alt hugging.

But there must be a reason why they are untouched... whether if it is shady or not, no one knows.
It does work. We have a healthy bribery department which does a good deal of business. Email me, or send a forum PM and we can discuss it.

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Celt wrote:
Ashfuehrer wrote:Hmmm...
I am shocked. We came a knocking and you ran like a good little trackstar. Where is all that bravado now?

It's funny. The Not-fucking-around crew shows up and you shoot off like a bottle rocket.
HAHA yeah in the middle of fight with councilwomen, 50% force... what do you expect... I told you I was waiting after I got rebuffed.. :D See you soon my old friend...

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Celt wrote:I am shocked. We came a knocking and you ran like a good little trackstar. Where is all that bravado now?

It's funny. The Not-fucking-around crew shows up and you shoot off like a bottle rocket.
3 Bounty Hunters vs. 1 Jedi.

That's what we do to Imperial Jedi when we want ZERO chance of them winning the fight.

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It was me and Terrance.


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Celt wrote:It was me and Terrance.

Ooooh, Inperator telling tall tales in TS. Tsk tsk.

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Doesnt Celt count as 2? :D

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QuorTek wrote:...But there must be a reason why they are untouched... whether if it is shady or not, no one knows.
If you're referring to the original post about <BH> not hunting <SITH> members, I can tell you they definitely do and have always/will always. There is no <BH> <SITH> "alliance" or mission holding done, <BH> hunts when and who they please on their own terms, as they always have.

Just as Celt's signature states, "Honor the Contract" and that's exactly what they do. If you're on the terms, you're fair game to them. ;D

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That should put to bed any rumours lol

Terrance - BH <BH>
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Great point Terrance. That's a kill team which included <Kk> bounty hunters, 2 of our guys and the target was someone we would consider a "friend of the Guild" if there is a such a thing, an ex-<BH> member himself.

We are Equal Opportunity hunters. If only we could get <Kk> to bring out their Jedi as much as their hunters.

Come on guys, someone has to pay for my mando'.
