Belicose Island, Corellia - Open for new citizens.

Listing for Player Cities on Awakening
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Light Jedi Knight
<font color=#FFFF20>Light Jedi Knight</font>
Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:10 pm

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FISH guild has taken over management of Belicose Island. We have flooded the city with citizens from our guild and made it a Scientific Society for max buffs. We have plenty of room and all the utilities for doctors, entertainers, and combat minded characters. Cantina available for entertainers and Rebel bases located near shuttle port for maximum buff potential. Nothing more awesome than 5k buffs from Janta enhancements, city bonus, base bonus, and food bonus all in one place.

If interested in finding a home on beautiful beach property with glorious golden sunsets over the ocean, this is the place. We do not tolerate imperials, open to neutrals and rebels only. Mon Calimari characters offered to be recruited into FISH guild and can have home on our main city of Mon Cala 3k to the west, north of Coronet. Exceptions made for alt characters if main is a Mon Cal. If your a jedi, I will give you free run of the city without interference from me, outside the city limits of Mon Cala, Belicose, and Mon Cala Fornia(Lok); Yes, we have three cities; I will hunt you down with extreme prejudice if termed. Think of it like Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog from the Warner Brother Cartoons. Amiable opponents.

Contact Narrk in game or send me mail. If I am online and don't respond, I am either in battle with jedi vermin, coordinating a guild attack run on imperial bases, or my wife has called me away from computer. I will respond eventually.


Mon Cala and Belicose, Corellia. Episode 8 "the worst starwars movie ever". Drop Vendor in Mon Cala mall somewhere. Look left for Mysterious Objects vendor.