Hello Awakening,
We are now at a stage with our publish 10 release where we are ready for our community to start testing with us. The test server has been opened up to normal play accounts and we have copied over a recent clone of the Awakening live server database to help facilitate testing. You can access this by changing your selected login server through the launcher (under the "SETTINGS" button). Please keep in mind only the newest version of the launcher, v1.2.0 (provided in the How to Connect page) will download the updated tre files required to see all changes on the test server.
We hope you enjoy testing the changes and updates as much as we do. Before you do though, there are some things to keep in mind and some processes you need to follow when reporting bugs or posting feedback. Everyone needs to be aware, this is the test server, some things may still be misconfigured, slightly broken or have their values not where they should be in terms of damage output, defences, etc. If something is different to live and it seems wrong or isn't listed in the patch notes you will find below, please let us know. It may be unintended and still need changing, though on the same token, don't expect it to be changed if it is intended just because you request it to be (though we do listen to and consider feedback). The process of a large code update can sometimes leave some things broken, or unintentionally reset to SWGEmu defaults, hence the need for community testing before we release Publish 10 to live.
Bug Report Template (with example):
Bug reports can be posted in a ticket through our Discord server or in a reply to this thread/topic.BUG REPORT
Account name: Cyclone
Character name: Cyclone
Date & time: 23 July 6:05pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
Patch note being tested/other issue you have identified: Fixed the vendor restock function
Problem description: All my items are missing after using the restock function and it took my credits.
Details: After packing up and moving my vendor, I was restocking my vendor named "Cyclone's Drop Offs" at /way 1593 623 on Naboo using the restock option. It took the restock fee, removed my 126 items from the stock room but didn't put them back up for sale.
Please give as verbose and accurate details as possible. We do not want walls of text and/or inchoherent rambling, we only want objective bug reports to be filed.
A list of already identified issues is attached to the bottom of this post.
Constructive Feedback Template (with example):
Feedback can be posted in a new thread under the Test Server section of the forum, not as a reply to this thread/topic.CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK
Patch note being tested: Burst Run's HAM cost is now modified by the players secondary stats
Date & time tested: 23 July 6:05pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
What you do not like: I don't like that the system is dynamic, based off of a player's stats.
How you think it should be changed: I think that a good change would be to make this a static cost value again, of insert value here.
Please remain constructive, any feedback that is clearly negatively written and does not suggest what you perceive as a positivie change to what you don't like about the patch note you are providing feedback on will be deleted. Keep in mind, just because you provide feedback on something does not mean it will be changed.
Current Patch Notes for the Test Server:
Some things may be ambiguously worded, and hard to test, if you would like more information about a specific patch note, please ask, though sometimes this is intentional, to leave a bit of mystery in the systems, so players have to play with the system to identify the changes. It can also be because a full explanation would be too wordy to include here.Publish 10: The Rise of Galaxies*
*Includes all SWGEmu core updates to the point of their Publish 10.5 release unless specifically left out
Patch Notes Colour Key:
- Default SWGEmu Addition
- Unadded SWGEmu Change
- Modified for Awakening
- Awakening Custom Addition
- Improved server stability
- Various server optimizations
- Fixed memory leaks
- Improved logging capabilities
- Improved debugging capabilities
- Fixed issue with database saves on shutdown
- Fixed an issue that causes the server to hang on shutdown
- Added Core3 REST API
- Added the Eye of Sauron transaction logging system
- Fixed region issue
- Refactored Combat Manager
- Fixed logout to no longer leave characters in a permanent LD state
- Fixed player disconnect message to be sent when a player goes LD instead of when unloaded from the game world
- Fixed issues with Propose Unity including missing functionality
- Added functionality to change appearance through screenplays
Events/Dungeons/Theme Parks/Quests
- Added hue color variations to various creatures
- Fixed various creatures/NPC's getting stuck on cell boundaries when pathing
- Fixed issue allowing creatures to be dizzied and kept knocked down
- Fixed various factional NPC chances to hit
- Fixed Lowland Brackaset milk type and diet
- Added various appearance templates to Dark Adepts and Dark Jedi NPC's
- Added Light Jedi dress groups
- Added missing system message when a player attempts to loot an empty corpse
- Prevented the loot window from opening when a corpse has no items to loot
- Fixed some NPCs with improper dress groupings, BH Dark Adept, Dolac Dark Jedi Knight and Dolac Dark Jedi Master
- Added Gorax faction
- Fixed an issue with creature respawning
- Fixed settler having thug faction instead of townsperson faction
- Fixed DOTs counting toward loot rights (they no longer count)
- Fixed droid combat rating cap
- Added the groundwork for the crackdown NPCs
- Fixed Jaar and Karkan perform proper instant effects.
- Added townspeople, thug, quest and commoner NPCs ability to use new dressgroup function for appearance selection
- Added missing NPCs to various planet locations
- Fixed CreatureAreaPoison to correctly apply a poison dot when used by an NPC
- Fixed NPCs to converse and move around instead of staring into the distance
- Fixed Black Sun Bunker technician to be attackable
- Fixed Lord Nyax NPCs to now correctly display their name
- Fixed pets to now receive the swimming state when swimming
- Fixed pets to no longer attack while swimming
- Added a distance check for NPCs and creatures when healing their lairs
- Removed magseal containers from Sennex cave
- Fixed orientation of all NPCs in Sennex cave
- Fixed giant cavern spider recluse NPCs to use their correct name, rather than another NPCs name
- Fixed duplicate mountain squill spawn outside squill cave
- Added no build zones for FS Village Phase 3 Base Locations
- Adjusted spawn timers on various NPC's
- Fixed some factional NPC's failing to aggro Players
- Axkva Min's Guard now properly spawns and assists her when she is attacked
- Changed Axkva Min respawn timer
- Adjusted no build zones around Jedi Enclaves
- Fixed various Tatooine Region spawns
- Fixed Grovo rancor spawn at Nightsister Stronghold
- Adjusted experience payout for a few Imperial NPC's
- Corrected Teras Kasi Artist Trainer Location on Talus
- Added missing Chef Trainer in Bestine, Tatooine
- The Trained Veermok in the Sulfur Pirates Cave on Lok will no longer aggro its trainers
- Issue preventing the Hero of Tatooine Wild Bladeback Boar from respawning after being killed has been corrected
- Potential case fixed where the Hero of Tatooine Pirate Leader and Pirates would not respawn
- Fixed an issue with world spawner radius
- Fixed badge areas not loading correctly
- Added no spawn area and no build zones around more caves on Tatooine
- Fixed position of no spawn and no build area around a jedi shrine on Tatooine
- Increased size of no spawn and no build areas around jedi shrines on Tatooine
- Fixed destroy missions to correctly spawn a lair with a name
- Added missing Tatooine Big Game Hunt krayt spawns
- Added Battlefield markers across various planets in the galaxy
- Added Bestine Elections
- Re-Wrote The Warren Screenplay - Fixed many issues players were having when trying to earn the Badges achieved here.
- Re-Wrote Geonosian Cave Screenplay and fixed various bugs within
- Corellian Corvette Terminals are no longer usable if the player is in a different cell
- Fixed corvette screenplay movement issue
- Badge is granted to all those in the group when completing the Corellian Corvette
- Reward is now given to all group members from mission NPC after completing Corellian Corvette
- Destructible buildings for missions spawn sooner when a player moves into range
- Fixed destructible building terminals not appearing when spawned
- Corrected issue preventing Hero of Tatooine Hermit from giving the missing Mark rewards
- Mark of Courage will no longer be given with serial number showing in examine window
- Fixed bug with Death Watch Bunker Voice Control Bomb Droid
- Fixed an issue with a conversation string for some of Jabba's Theme Park NPC's
- Added the groundwork for the crackdown system
- Fixed Imperial destroy missions banner being unattackable
- Fixed lowest level for destroy missions to be 5
- Fixed Nyms Theme Park Jinkins and Kole no longer require drag and drop of their quest items for quest completion
- Fixed Pfilbee Jhorn Endor Painting mission to require all targets to be killed
- Fixed an issue with Bestine Museum that prevented the curator from advancing through to new art picks
- Added check to disallow players to attack other players inside a building they are not permitted to enter, this includes AoE attacks.
- Added check to disallow players applying poison, disease, heals and enhancements to players inside a building they are not permitted to enter, this includes AoE applications
- Fixed issue with PvP ratings calculating incorrectly
- Fixed issue causing PvP rating throttle message to be sent at the incorrect time
- Changed PvP rating kill list to be stored on the killer instead of the victim
- Fixed the "Defense vs" defenses calculation to always allow a chance for a state or posture to apply
- Fixed Armor Piercing to be calculated against Personal Shield Generators and adjusted the decay rate
- Fixed issue allowing more than one attack to execute at the same time
- Fixed Knockdown, Posture Change, and Dodge animations to fire appropriately and without delay
- Fixed various edge cases with entry check failing
- Fixed state only command combat spam to properly display when hitting and missing
- Fixed armor mitigation combat spam values to correctly account for multi-pool attacks
- Adjusted initial attack combat spam to be more precise
- Fixed combat log damage to not include food or Jedi armor mitigation
- Fixed a combat log damage error when food mitigation was greater than 100%
- Fixed mount being stuck at slowed combat speed
- Fixed state application causing creatures to stand up after being killed
- Fixed when a target is added to a defender list
- Fixed peace ability functionality
- Fixed an issue that allowed player and non-player character attacks to sometimes penetrate buildings in certain situations
- Fixed Fire DOT wound calculation to be closer to live
- Fixed a possible issue that could allow creatures to remain in combat with a player after the creatures die
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to avoiding TEF using befriended pet
- Fixed an issue that allowed DoTs to not expire in some situations
- Fixed an issue that kept players in combat after being incapacitated or killed by a turret
- Fixed duplicate commands getting incorrectly removed from command queue
FS Village
- Added the player's OID who crafted an item to be stored on the item
- Added ingredient hopper to crafting stations
- Ingredients can now be removed from an ingredient slot during ingredient input stage of crafting
- Fixed erroneous ingredient in Light Blaster (red) Draft Schematic
- Fixed factories consuming all identical single components in a hopper at once
- Fixed cancelCraftingSession command to close the crafting window
- Added custom naming to resources so they show the resource class and name (e.g. Nabooian Avian Meat (Skequ))
- Split the stack of old resources to update the naming
- Aurillian Plant will now correctly go above very fast growth rate
- Corrected issue with Aurillian Plant showing dead when it was still alive
- Profession XP Modifiers will no longer apply to FS Experience Conversions
- Issue fixed with Captain Sarguillo Patrol Points not despawning when arriving at next point
- Captain Sarguillo Phase 3 Mission Base Timers will now reset appropriately
- Phase 3 Bases now eject players that are still within shield range when they are reset
- Phase 3 Base gates will no longer randomly persist in the world after they have been destroyed
- Added Option to Dageerin Conversation to replace existing Radiation Sensor
- Players are no longer able to accept multiple Phase 4 Captain Sarguillo Missions
- Fixed FS Experience transfer window failing to close when Player goes out of range
- FS Intro Quest not updating when looting the datapad from the Sith Shadow
- Sith Shadow not having waypoint datapad as loot all the time
- Added Functionality to re-grant Force Sensitive Box upon login if it was surrendered
- Fixed edge case preventing completion of in progress village survey
quest after a phase changeHousing/Cities/Structures
- Fixed Player Base Layouts to better reflect live
- Terminals now spawn at random locations during the vulnerability period of a player base and de-spawn when the period has ended.
- Adjusted placement of player base HQ Terminals and other terminals within bases
- Corrected issue in Player Bases with Security Terminal becoming bugged if the slice failed
- NPC's are now removed from the world when a Player destroys a PvE Player Base
- Added system message when a player breaks the perimeter of a PvP Faction Base Minefield
- Imperial SF Tactical Centers now list correct on the Planetary Map
- Fixed a GCW base spawning issue
- Added contraband scans to function in the wild
- Added banners to signal which faction controls an NPC city
- Fixed Bothan ability to receive discount from a faction recruiter
- Added a chance for Princess Leia and Darth Vader to visit faction-controlled NPC towns to rally troops
- Fixed an issue and the message given when delegating faction to a player with negative faction
- Changed timer to resign from a faction as a Combatant
- Fixed static POI HQ terminals from giving out of range messages
- Added Corellia Stronghold, Rori Imperial Encampment and Rori Rebel Military Base POIs to be faction flipable
- Added all GCW flipable POIs to count towards GCW planet scores
- Fixed an issue with crackdown reinforcements being called when a Probot is killed by an NPC
- Added hacked and destruct alarms to GCW player bases, but are disabled for now.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players that lacked the proper faction to control befriended faction pets.
- Fixed issue with player position being updated when ejected from a structure
- Fixed Structure Ejection issues. Players should no longer get stuck in the doorway or be placed under a building if ejected from any structures.
- Added cooldown to eject command
- Corrected issue causing deleted players to not be removed from Housing Administrative lists
- Increased range for structure /payMaintenance command
- Fixed an issue when inputting power into factories and harvesters
- Added mail message when a building is destroyed due to decay
- Residency change cool-down no longer affects placing a city hall
- Player owned Hospitals will now correctly auto-heal Health and Action wounds
- Added orphaned city structure management
- Added Player Structure Pack-Up. This will allow you to move your structure with all items intact. This functionality is accessed via the radial of a structure terminal. - Thanks to Aso at Reckoning for allowing us to integrate this with Awakening
- Added /structurelist command. This command will list all of your structures, and their location. - Thanks to Aso at Reckoning for allowing us to integrate this with Awakening
- Added signs to the custom housing
- Added custom signage.
List of all available signs:
- House Address
- Shop Sign #1
- Shop Sign #2
- Shop Sign #3
- Shop Sign #4
- Diner Address
- Oval Address
- Nightsister Stone Address
- Heart Address
- Halloween Address
- Hologram Address
- Imperial Address
- Rebel Address
- Diner Shop Sign
- Oval Shop Sign
- Nightsister Banner Shop Sign 1
- Nightsister Banner Shop Sign 2
- Nightsister Banner Shop Sign 3
- Nightsister Stone Shop Sign
- Heart Shop Sign
- Halloween Shop Sign
- Hologram Shop Sign
- Imperial Shop Sign
- Rebel Shop Sign
- Added a check to validate membership within a player association to resolve some issues where people were part and not a part of a PA
- Added /guildlist command. This command will list everyone in guild, their position in guild, and their online status. You will also be able to manage the member remotely, instead of having to visit a terminal. Thanks to Aso at Reckoning for allowing us to integrate this with Awakening
- Fixed item transfer range checks to apply from both directions
- Fixed certain containers sending an out of range message when player was not in cell
- Added a system message when deleting an item
- Fixed factional requirement for B-Wing Survival Suit
- Fixed players not being able to loot No Trade items from corpses inside structures
- Fixed Armor Condition Decay Rate to better reflect live
- Fixed issue with the Condition on the Rebel Marine Armor Chestplate loot from the Corellian Corvette
- Fixed the Heat vulnerability on Rebel Marine and Stormtrooper Armor types
- Rancor Bile will now have the accurate attributes on them when looted
- Changed incorrect damage type on Victor Visalis tusken rifle (from kinetic to energy)
- Fixed attachments being destroyed when added to BE enhanced item that already has it's max amount of mods
- Fixed equipable items with terrain negotiation modifiers to correctly update player terrain negotiation
- Removed NS Vibro Unit from NS common loot tables
- Increase Janta blood max use count to 8
- Changed exceptional/legendary modifiers to not apply on use count and equal stats
- Fixed crate appearance to display in the correct style for the type of item they contain
- Fixed repair tools to now have five uses
- Fixed veteran resource crates to now correctly sort the resources listed
- Fixed volume on containers to reflect their min and max storage while examining
- Fixed items with customized appearances to inherit the base item as "Variation Of" rather than the custom appearance selection
- Fixed an issue that allowed Aurellian Plants accrue updates when in storage or on vendors
- Fixed a missing check that allowed unity rings to decay
- Added ingredient hopper to crafting stations, both old and new
- Fixed an issue with item transfer range checks
- Changed how crafters name is added during the crafting processes
- Changed various items being incorrectly set as clothing instead of armor
- Fixed attachments being destroyed when added to BE enhanced item that already has it's max amount of mods
- Fixed Jantas to now have a chance to drop Janta Staffs
- Fixed Ewoks to no longer drop Ewok Crossbow
- Fixed Death Watch Bloodguards to now have a chance to drop binary liquids and protective liquids
- Updated the deed appearance for some player vehicles when newly made, they will now display the actual vehicle
- Incapacitated and Corpsed Mounts are no longer able to be mounted
- Fixed being able to make a Faction pet attack while a player is swimming
- Fixed duplicate system message from being sent when faction pets were auto-stored
- Fixed issue with pets being unable to attack
- Fixed the vendor restock function
- Added Vendor Pack-Up. This will allow you to move your vendor with all items intact. This functionality is accessed via the radial of the vendor. - Thanks to Aso at Reckoning for allowing us to integrate this with Awakening
- When packing up a structure, all contained vendors will also be packed up and placed in the vendor owners datapad as a Vendor Control Device
- Added auction expiration and owner validation
- Fixed issue with Player Trade window if one party unchecks the accept box
- Corrected permissions for players in the New Player Tutorial
- Random Player Name generator will no longer generate names already used
- Deleted character names now usable 15 minutes after deletion
- Fixed error when a player would try to select a non-one-time Veteran Reward
- Burst Run's HAM cost is now modified by the players secondary stats
- Fixed various vehicle and mount issues
- Fixed an issue with requesting a flash speeder replacement
- Added check to the logout command to identify if player is sitting
- Improved naming management system
- Fixed UI duplication issue with ticket selection
- Added proper permissions for menuResponse on filet
- Added the ability to filet a fish in a player’s inventory
- Added disconnect packet send after error on login by default
- Fixed parking garage system message to display properly
- Fixed the cleanup of auction items on server load
- Added system to remove duplicate items from auctions on load
- Refactored credit handling to deal with overflows and overdrafts
- Fixed an issue with tipped credits not updating client
- Fixed recycler resource destruction client notification
- Fixed player to only be allowed to move with sneak ability during /takecover command
- Fixed HAM remaining modified after power boost buff runs out
- Fixed an item duplication exploit
- Added Awakening Rules & Policies and Terms of Service agreement UI popup, player remains frozen until agreed
- Updated the vehicle customization palette for some of the custom vehicles
- Added functionality so that Merchant Tents can now be crafted in two additional colors
Bounty Hunter
- Removed Action Cost from Melee Weapon Power-Up Primary Stats
- Fixed logic error that prevented survey minigames from starting
- Added a player bounty system
- When a player kills another player, there will be a 50% chance that the killed player will be able to place a bounty on the killer. The killer must not already be on the Bounty Terminal. If those requirements are met, the killed player will get a popup message on death offering to place a bounty. The reward is calculated at a rate of (killer PvP kills * 1000). The killed player will then pay that reward amount to place the bounty.
- Things to note:
- Deaths that result via Bounty Missions will not offer a bounty.
- Bounties placed on normal players will expire in 7 days from placing them. The placer will be refunded half of what they paid for the bounty.
- Currently, normal player bounties have a max reward of 500k and a minimum of 70k.
- Fixed an issue where in some situations a BH mission payout was not distributed to all party members in range
- Fixed Fast Blast to correctly divide max damage more like live over Health, Action and Mind Pools
- Adjusted Fast Blast attack multiplier
Combat Medic:
- Fixed minimum nutrition value on several Chef draft schematics
- Ormachek Dish now correctly gives its experience bonus
- Fixed the logic for incapacitation recovery time decrease food and drink
- Fixed Temporary Enemy Flags not applying correctly when Combat Medics throw a harmful poison/disease in combat
- Added /ApplyPoison in the game, it will pull poisons from your inventory, and can be further defined with health, action, mind, etc
- Added /ApplyDisease in the game, it will pull diseases from your inventory and can be further defined with health, action, mind, etc
- Fixed damage done by poisons being applied to equipped weapon experience erroneously
- Fixed Heavy and Consumable weapons ignoring Jedi Saberblock
Droid Engineer:
- Fixed an issue that did not allow mods/food to work for enhance or wound queue delays, the hard cap is now 3 seconds
- Fixed ambient droid pet sounds for most droid pets - Not retroactive for already crafted droids
Image Designer:
- Fixed the /stopListen command to function without target or parameter
- Refactored the Entertainer and Band functions for Entertainer, Dancer, and Musician
- Fixed Dancer giving too much XP compared to musician
- Added functionality to song/dance selection in the user interface
- Added outro when stopping music
- Fixed some entertainer effects not triggering indoors
- Fixed an issue that allowed dead or incapacitated player to receive entertainer buffs
- Fixed an issue with /stopDance showing music animation when changing the players posture
- Fixed an issue with /startDance and /startMusic setting players posture twice
- Fixed an issue with music notes persisting on player after they have stopped playing music
- Fixed multiple system messages when dancing/music is interrupted by movement
- Added missing system message when starting to play music
- Corrected Droid Effect Modules to only delay between 3-60 seconds
- Fixed image design session being interrupted by previous session target leaving salon
- Changed Awakening to be in-line with the SWGEmu FRS system (Awakening had a slightly different implementation before this).
- Reimplemented the Jedi unlock system announcement that gets put in General chat, this will fire at a specific point where the Jedi character becomes a bit more meaningful threat to the stability of the galaxy.
- Fixed players who were capped on FRS experience not being shown the capped XP message
- Added FRS skill bonuses
- Fixed FRS no confidence to allow 2/3rds majority vote
- Added /showCouncilRank Command
- Fixed edge case where no winner is selected for an FRS seat if all petitioners had no votes
- Fixed FRS maintenance experience debt not properly banking
- Fixed FRS XP to now correctly use caps based on rank acquired and to function like XP caps in other professions
- This will remove all XP over a rank cap when pushed to live, plan accordingly by potentially training up to wherever you can before it is pushed. We will be delaying its release until a point in time after publish 10 has been released to allow players to rank up and not lose all banked XP above their current rank cap
- Added functionality so that players who have been banned from the game will now lose their FRS rank at the next daily rank maintenance window
- Fixed a problem where FRS challenges were not ending correctly after one party was defeated or logged off in some circumstances
- Added a toggle to disable the accepting of FRS Challenges from and voting for characters on the same account
- Fixed player position updates when accepting an FRS Challenge
- Fixed Dark FRS so sudden death flag and petition to advance is removed if player advances via the arena
- Added Force Defense skill mod damage reduction to incoming Force attacks
- Fixed Force Power attacks to use ability accuracy vs Force Defense when calculating chance to hit
- Fixed Players unable to restart Knight Trials after dropping Rank Member and Jedi Knight skill boxes. These Players must visit a Force Shrine to begin the Trials again if they are still eligible
- Added check to ensure a player is the correct Faction for their chosen council during Knight Trials
- Various Bugs with Old Man Encounter
- Architect Padawan Trial NPC will no longer agro a player with negative Gungan Faction
- Jedi now gain visibility when entering combat with a lightsaber
- Fixed bug in Spice Mom Padawan Trial
- Fixed notification window when dropping FS Skill boxes during Padawan Trials
- Fixed Padawan and FS are no longer able to be surrendered
- Fixed Force Speed Ability calculation to give the correct speed boost
- Corrected amount of Force gained from Force Absorb Ability
- Fixed Force Absorb to be based off of damage instead of ability cost
- Fixed Force Absorb to absorb force from Force Drain attacks
- Refactored Jedi Force Power abilities
- Corrected modifier on Force Resist Bleeding Ability
- Fixed Force Weaken to function closer to live
- Fixed Force Intimidate 2 area of effect range
- Fixed Jedi Resistance States and Jedi State Defenses to be calculated separately
- Fixed Jedi receiving duplicate cloning window when cloning at shrines and enclaves
- Fixed on hit force costs when player has both Force Armor and Force Shield active
- Force Drain will now function closer to live and have a varying range on the amount of Force that is drains
- Force Drain cooldown will now be correctly reduced by Force Speed
- Adjusted Channel Force bonus and HAM debuff to better emulate live values
- Jedi Heal cooldown timers now better reflect live
- Enhancer Transfer Force Ability will now mimic live functionality
- Added check to lightsaber equip to make sure the lightsabers crafter OID matches the player's OID
- Fixed newly created Jedi Robes to correctly have condition
- Fixed Jedi Robes to no longer decay
- Fixed Saber1hComboHit 1, 2 & 3 to correctly display the damage dealt
- Fixed SaberBlock so that when an attack with a state is blocked, the state is also blocked
- Fixed issues with Force Intimiadate animation and it's timing
- Fixed an issue where DOTs could be applied with Force Powers
- Fixed Startle Shot and Startle Shot 2 functionality to work like live.
- Fixed Supression Fire and Supression Fire 2 functionality to work like live.
- Diagnose Ability will now correctly work on NPC's and Creatures
- Fixed /drag to now correctly update the change in location of the incapacitated or dead character for all players
- Fixed /drag to now scale the max distance to drag with Medical Use
- Changed Double Tap ability to function closer to live
- Fixed Multi Target Pistol Shot ability's damage and speed multipliers to closer replicate live
- Changed Multi Target Pistol Shot to an AoE ability that attacks all targets within a 64m radius
- Fixed Player Skill Trainers able to be placed in water
- Fixed Player Skill Trainers able to be placed while incapacitated or dead
- Fixed ability to summon /recruit interface while Player is incapacitated or dead
- Fixed an issue with city decorations not be able to be placed again after being picked up
- Fixed sales tax to correctly distribute the sale's proceeds to the correct person
- Fixed Creature Knowledge Skill requirement to display creature difficulty level in examine window
Squad Leader:
- Fixed spice downtime reduction foods adding permanent debuff when over
100% reduction- Fixed an issue where Panic Shot functionality was interrupted by how states were applied.
Teras Kasi Artist:
- Squad Leaders will now receive their own passive group buffs
- Fixed squad leader HAM cost modifier
- Fixed Squad Leaders to now gain XP if the difference between the Squad Leader and their party members are in extremely high or low terrain
- Fixed Squad Leaders to now gain XP even if group members are XP capped
- Fixed Squad Leader XP to now scale for each member and pet in the group
- Fixed an issue with Defense Acuity not properly working as a secondary defense
- Fixed appearance selection to allow variation when crafting ranged weapon components
In addition to these patch notes, we would like players to keep an eye out for any custom Awakening changes or general game systems that are already deployed on live which may no longer be functioning correctly on the test server, e.g. spatial chat not showing up, inability to mount vehicles, etc.
Currently Identified Issues on the Test Server:
- Jedi lightning damage output
- Various player bounty system issues
- Issue with Vehicle Garage rare player house due to tre file rework
- FRS kill 3 day cooldown not present
- Fast blast not dividing damage properly over three pools (It doesn't hit mind)
- House packup allowing players to transport characters who have logged out in the structure to where they move the structure to when unpacked again
- Unintentional live release candidate - Inclusion of attack invulnerability cooldown when a player logs in
- Rubber banding when driving a Jetpack, X-31 Landspeeder or Speederdbike at full speed (which was created before the latest tre rework)