New LVL 5 City on Naboo - Gungans Rest [UPDATED]

Listing for Player Cities on Awakening
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Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:13 pm

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Gungans Rest is a LVL 5 Metropolis boasting all of the amenities needed for a successful SWG career. We are located directly North of Theed at waypoint -5099,0,5619 as close to Theed as possible.

Amenities include:
Cantina with full performer coverage for buffing and healing needs. Drink and food vendors are on staff
Dr. Kevorkians Academy of Healing Arts with an on staff action burner (Flombay) to master your medical profession quickly. Vendors for all medical needs on staff as well.
Cloning Center
Shopping Mall run by the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen <LEG>
Mission Terminals for BH, General, Explorer
Trainers for Doctor, Medic, Combat Medic, Entertainer, Dancer, Musician, Politician with more to be added upon request

Contact Gewbacca or any character in my SIG in game if interested in becoming a citizen

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen -
Vendors - Naboo (-4873, 5504)
J'ack - M AS / M Tailor
Roaqu - M DE / M WS
Bamo - M Arch / M SW
Kykryyk - M BE / M CH
Gewbacca - M Merchant