Specific Village Skill Questions

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Let's first assume the following...

You get to the village and fill the first 6 FS Combat/Reflex skills you are able to in order to complete it. The Old Man visits again, and you go kill Mellichae. Now, you move on to finish the padawan trials and "poof"... you are a baby Jedi.

Assuming all that, here are a few specific questions...

1- Now that you are a Padawan, can you surrender any/all of your current FS Skills, or must you have 6 at all times?

2- Assuming you still need 6 completely filled skills, can you return to the village and unlock another (say... crafting)?

3- If you can unlock further skills, can you use a "learn skill A" and then "surrender skill B" to kind of respect your FS skills, assuming 6 are always filled at any given time?

Would love to know the answers to these questions :) Thanks in advance.

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Let me try to answer you question short:

1- Now that you are a Padawan, can you surrender any/all of your current FS Skills, or must you have 6 at all times?

To stay Padawan/Jedi you allways have to have 6 FS branches complete no less

2- Assuming you still need 6 completely filled skills, can you return to the village and unlock another (say... crafting)?

Yes, you can unlock more branches later and learn the skills as long as you have skillpoints left

3- If you can unlock further skills, can you use a "learn skill A" and then "surrender skill B" to kind of respect your FS skills, assuming 6 are always filled at any given time?

Yes, you can learn a 7th branch (or more) if you have the skillpoints and the XP ofc and then surrender the branch you dont want anymore, but remember to allways have 6 full branches at any time.

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Thank you for the answers!

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