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Come on now, when 3 imps call you out come fight us instead of all this trash talk and then hide in the shadows when its time to back your words up! 3 special forces imps in Cnet and no one has the balls to come fight. i even offered 250k if someone kills one of us!

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Mmmm, thou is most angry! GooOOood....

In all seriousness though, a fine attempt to stir up a pvp brawl. Though there are more affective ways then this.

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I approve of this message... ;)

All in good fun. Go forth and PVP! Become the FS people that I know you can be...

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we were out for several hours again today .. had 2 people come .. we had a group of 5 .. but come on pvp is not 1v1 that is called a DUEL. But the response we got in general chat from the imperials was ... we are busy doing other things lol ... sooo umm yeah

Manoa - Zaina - Olandar - Olevott
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jwyork wrote: but come on pvp is not 1v1 that is called a DUEL.

no truer words were ever spoken! :)

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jwyork wrote:we were out for several hours again today .. had 2 people come .. we had a group of 5 .. but come on pvp is not 1v1 that is called a DUEL. But the response we got in general chat from the imperials was ... we are busy doing other things lol ... sooo umm yeah
It very much seems that where one side wants to pvp, the other is caught up doing something else at the time in pve. I really am starting to believe spontaneous PVP won't happen on this server due to reduced drop rates (people grinding x2 more essentially), and most are focused on certain aspects of improving their character before ready for either pvp or unlock it seems (which has a inherent flaw because by the time people seem to achieve said result, they get burned out). Without taking away the "hardcore" aspect of this server, the only solution I see sadly is the implementation of TEF, which would be a great reminder to the pve grinders that there is a true end game to remember in SWG.... glorious world pvp!