Battle for Lok

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Remnants of the Jedi Order have been discovered in a military installation on Lok. The Empire has dispatched an Enforcer of the Darkside to eliminate the threat to Imperial forces. Your goal is to protect your bases and eliminate the opposing faction's Force Sensitive NPC.

Enhancement terminals will be available inside the bases when the event begins. The stats will be increased for enhancements for the event. Chances for good loot drops will be increased. A live event badge will be granted for those who participate.You will be forced Special Forces when in range of enemy bases. Expect PvP!

Waypoints will be announced 15 minutes prior to start of event.

I expect to see all the smack-talkers and major players there tomorrow!!!

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I'll be there!

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New player who hasn't finished grinding gonna participate. I guess I'll just go with the "talk shit; get hit"style

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Was hoping there would be a bit more put into it than some bases dropped on an obscure planet with no story line... :P

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So you cannot be neutral, you have to declare a faction to participate? Just asking, not complaining. ;)

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Wodaz wrote:So you cannot be neutral, you have to declare a faction to participate? Just asking, not complaining. ;)

in b4 lock! ;)

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I suggested they throw the RPers a bone and let them riff on it all week, but seriously Lyris it's a PvP event. I suspect most participants could care less about the backstory and just want to screw some poor bastard up.

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Shoju wrote:I suggested they throw the RPers a bone and let them riff on it all week, but seriously Lyris it's a PvP event. I suspect most participants could care less about the backstory and just want to screw some poor bastard up.

Honestly, just talkin smack. I figure at least I shouldn't get a ban for it here :P

I'm just waiting to see where these bases and the pvp field end up being on Lok... heheh

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Yeah this isn't a rp event. It's a chance for some good loot, a badge, and of course some ruthless aggressions to be worked out. If you want rp, story, and pve that will come with the May 4th event. People are welcome to watch, however if you are in a faction just watch how close you get to an enemy base so you don't get flagged.

Everyone have fun! I'll be watching from the sidelines

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Lyris wrote:I'm just waiting to see where these bases and the pvp field end up being on Lok... heheh
Mount Chaolt, still haven't gone there for the badge, nice short ride. ;D

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I hate Lok. I hated pvping there because there was only one way to get off planet and asshats loved to camp star ports. Is there going to be a place to declare there?

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Vanzant wrote:I hate Lok. I hated pvping there because there was only one way to get off planet and asshats loved to camp star ports. Is there going to be a place to declare there?

Yes The bases have people to make you SF when you get there.

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Ok wIMPS its time to look down the barrel of my t21, I'll bring plenty of tissues you can cry on

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Cynar wrote:Yeah this isn't a rp event.

Well yeah, usually events involve some kinda plot and canon is all i'm saying. Even when they aren't RP events. heheh

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Those Imperials that left once they got their badge, you should be ashamed!

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JohnFromSteam wrote:Those Imperials that left once they got their badge, you should be ashamed!
AGREE! 100%

made it kinda boring for the rest of us. Die, Clone, Buff, Repeat because we were severely outnumbered

But it was great to start off with!. Well done Dev's!!!

Shame Im gonna miss the one on May 4th due to work :(

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gazzibiuk wrote:Well done Dev's!!!

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The moment we were defeated.


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Even though we lost, it was still pretty darn fun. Grats rebs!

PS: If one of you rebs got pushed to glowy because of this, I will demolish my computer :P