Craft macros

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So, i looked about everywhere for a solid macro to grind medic and doc, but so far, there is always something buggy.
Could someone PM me (or post here) something that is working?
I think i have a problem with some letters being capitals when they should not but i'm not totally sure.
What i have right now is:

/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 4;
/createPrototype practice no item;
/createPrototype practice no item;
/pause 26;
/macro craftamatron;

And it is not working right (yes my crafting tool is in the first box). Any help would be welcome, thank you!

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I use:

/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/selectDraftSchematic 0; **0 thru how many schems you have in your data pad, you will have to "guess" the right schematic, much testing, many fails before you get it**
/pause 7;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/pause 5;

It's much longer than this, but I do use 5-7 craft tools.

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Thank you, i'm going to try that when back home. :)

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could make it go over the toolbar with some kind of modification like

at the end of macro you could have a
/pause 3;
/macro craftmacro2;

for later on in that one

/macro craftmacro3;

and once have the line of tools in the toolbar slots ending with a back to the first one

/macro craftmacro;

to keep a loop going over maybe 5 or 7 crafting tools in an infinite loop

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xtwiztedxsinzx wrote:I use the same macro as Larce but unfortunately I have to type out tools 4-10 every time I log into my crafter
That's weird, I have the whole thing in one macro, no need to re-type. Worst part was just setting it up section by section to look for typos.

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This is the macro I use. I have it broken into two sepperate macros, the first macro calling the second. Four tools for each macro. Put your tools on 0-7 on the upper part of your toolbar (if you've pulled it up to create two rows). The macro itself can go in any other slot of the toolbar.

First you have to prime your tool by opening it, selecting what you want to make, hit next. This should be the window where you input your resources. Instead of inputing the resources, however, click the X in the upper right hand corner of the tool to close it and then start up the macro. It will then open the first tool and you will have to input the resources, it will finish off the craft and open the next tool, etc.

You can adjust the /pause 10 portion of each tool with a different pause. However long you need to input the resources.

Code: Select all

/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 2;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 10;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/pause 2;
/ui action toolbarSlot01;
/pause 2;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 10;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/pause 2;
/ui action toolbarSlot02;
/pause 2;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 10;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/pause 2;
/ui action toolbarSlot03;
/pause 2;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 10;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/pause 2;
/macro Crafting2

Code: Select all

/ui action toolbarSlot04;
/pause 2;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 10;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/pause 2;
/ui action toolbarSlot05;
/pause 2;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 10;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/pause 2;
/ui action toolbarSlot06;
/pause 2;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 10;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/pause 2;
/ui action toolbarSlot07;
/pause 2;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 10;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/createPrototype Practice noitem;
/pause 2;
/macro Crafting
the /createPrototype Practice noitem line will allow you to grind without filling up your bags with what you make, also by crafting in practice mode you get extra xp.

I'd also suggest putting a macro to do a /dump in case you need to stop the macro fast.

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xtwiztedxsinzx wrote:
Larce wrote:
xtwiztedxsinzx wrote:I use the same macro as Larce but unfortunately I have to type out tools 4-10 every time I log into my crafter
That's weird, I have the whole thing in one macro, no need to re-type. Worst part was just setting it up section by section to look for typos.

everytime i log in theres a break after the first /nextcraftingstage and i have to retype for tools 4-10 it sucks but oh well no more grinding thru crafting professions seeing as i got Master AS recently and Master Tailor is almost done
This happens when your macro is too long, the best way to counter this is by making 2-3 separate macros for 3 or so tools each, and then link them together using /macro.