Commando Viable?

Commando profession disccusion
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I dont feel like i have seen many Commandos running around and i swear when i first started here this summer i saw someone say the class if broken.

Is commando worth playing or no?


Formerly of Bria

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well i Play a full temped commando and ist really fun. u have to trick a lil to get some defenses cause the mando itself Comes nearly barenaked (there r many ideas how to tweak the commando, maybe the awakening staff could fix the commando someday to make him how he was supposed to be?)
first and most important, the heavy wep tapes do not work, so basically ur accuracy and ur wep Speed suxs as hell. the only mando wep thats worth it is the flamethrower, Forget the acid rifle, ist shitty as hell cause it has no dots :( (fyi: the t21 was originally planned as a commando wep but then somehow landed in the rifleman tree)
what u Need is a flamethrower with a Speed under 2, best around 1.5 and a maxdmg above 1k, then u can fight most of the Mobs solo and have fun in pvp. to get a flamethrower that fast u Need some hell good krayt tissues, so it wont be cheap, i spent more than 2 Million for mine and had alot of luck with the slices.
but as soon as u get ur gear u can do a hell of a bbq

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`*lights a cigaret and fades away in a wall of smoke* ;)

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Ok, so ill pass. LOL. Thanks

Formerly of Bria

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That is an awesome post about the Commando, glad to see that I'm not grinding towards it for nothing.