LF Imperial/Jedi guild

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Looking for an Imperial guild for my Dark Jedi. Any Imperial Jedi guilds started, looking to start? Looking for heavy PvP and PvE.

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Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:02 pm

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Are there no other dark jedi on this server or imperials that support them? So far all I've seen is BH, pretty sad the bounty hunters are the only ones supporting imperial jedi. When I started on this server the empire ran everything. Now it looks like rebels run the show. Sad sad sad.

Still looking for a imp guild.

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It's cyclical. Before BDSM it was run by rebels. When BDSM was rockin and rollin things swung the other direction. Now the pendulum has swung back. Be patient and the imps will be the majority at some point again.
