Curious About Professions

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I'm currently grinding out almost every combat profession, starting with BH to get it out of the way, and working my way through all of the marksman related profs, then settling into a melee/stacker temp after grinding out all of the masteties connected to brawler.

Out of curiosity, how many professions did those that unlocked grind out? I'm trying to theorize on the weight of profession badges when it comes to unlocking. For instance, if your character can roll 2 profession requirements upon creation, or more :O

Again, this is all theory and I'm just looking for a few responses to see what I'm in for! I'm going to go the distance regardless, but I thought this would be a cool experiment while discovering my path!

Cheers guys.

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Just a friendly piece of advice: Don't go into trying to unlock jedi with the expectation of having to do X Y and Z. It'll just be frustrating if it turns out that you have to do more. Just do as much as you can without burning yourself out and you'll get it eventually

Royan / Vulcan
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Great advice Royan, it's easy to get burnt out and frustrated, feeling like the odds are stacked against you with this sort of RNG grind. I plan on taking it one step at a time, and wanted to knock some professions out first before settling into my stacker template, and then hitting up all of the quests and content badges/POIs and seeing where I stand. I've ground out over 28 professions in my search for glowy before and if I have to do it again to find my way, so be it! It's been years since I've experienced this universe in its entirety so I'm just glad to be back.

Was just curious about others' experience with the profession grind is all!

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Gotcha, that's a good mentality to have going into it. For the sake of saying it for anyone who reads this later (not necessarily you by the sounds of it), the thing to remember about getting Jedi unlocked is that it is 100% a mental game. It's not necessarily difficult mechanically speaking but it can easily be too much when you feel like you've done more than enough to justify unlocking, seeing people that have unlocked having done less, and wondering what the last bit you need to do turns out to be.

More to the direct topic, I personally did 31 professions for that aspect of unlocking

Royan / Vulcan
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Wow that's impressive! Did your 31st get you 7/7?

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Nope, I was just doing all that I could and filling out the profession badges was an obvious point to check off

Royan / Vulcan
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Have done 33 professions. As far as I can tell, only 1 bump from professions. I've heard people that thought they got 3 bumps from professions. Hard to really tell since sometimes, I've heard of delayed bumps, too. Could be hard to pinpoint certain things. I suppose that's working as intended, though.

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I've heard of a lot of people only getting 1 bump from profs, but with as RNG as this system sounds, most people could only require 1 prof while YOU need 2. Who knows! Seems crazy, and sounds like you've worked extremely hard to unlock, hopefully you get it soon :/

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This thread holds some truth... ... 2&start=60

I have seen 3 bumps from profession badges.

Stuck at 6/7 and it is not most likely a time restraint on getting jedi as I have mastered 16 professions and completed everything else.

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Pretty sure I wrote it is a time restriction.

I'll just correct it here as it won't let me edit my post and responses are subject to admin approval

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3 bumps? Wow!

Also I thought time restraints were denied as being part of their system?

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Revelation wrote:Pretty sure I wrote it is a time restriction.
Dead horse really. While somethings may be a factor for some, it won't be for all. There are multiple factors and they are randomized upon character creation.

I can tell you this... if you sit around and do nothing, thinking time will unlock you, you will definitely be disappointed. ;)

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quite honestly, this thread here will give you the best source of information and mis-information. It's all been hashed out.