Royan wrote:So here's the thing. You guys claim to have this high ethical standard of never sending hate tells, griefing, etc but you also go around in threads calling people mouthbreathing shitlords, forging screenshots to protect yourselves (and then demanding screenshots of your actions), lying about encounters, etc. and then immediately trying to shut up anyone who calls you out on your shit. You can't have it both ways. You're so wrapped up in your "Us vs Them" mentality and "We're hardcore" bullshit and it sounds like this follows you from game to game from your own member's description. A hardcore guild does not give you the blank check to free yourself from being assholes under the guise of "They're mad because they lost." I've been in hardcore guilds that were incredibly respected, I've been in hardcore guilds that were assholes, and I've been in asshole guilds. How about you guys either restrict yourself to this supposed high standard or drop the pretense.
The problem with ALL of this, is that it can be explained. Yet no one is interested in explanations, they just want the juicy drama. They just want to jump to conclusions and pile-on Kanjiklub for some reason.
I called them mouthbreathing shitlords, because they are. Because they've been griefing our city. They've been following us around wherever we go. If you come to our city at any time throughout the day, I can probably show you at least 1-2 members of Merrie's fanclub that follow us around almost all day long. I'm not even joking. They think they're being cute by devoting what seems like 100% of their time ingame to see what we're doing, or drop more houses on the border of our city.
I photoshopped a picture of my Swordsman as a Jedi, because I was being hounded by both SITH and BH about being a Jedi. In fact, here is the beginning of it, but there was MUCH much more where that came from...
It's not my fault that they jumped to conclusions, followed me around, sent me tells telling me that they're coming for me over and over again, got on rebel and neutral alts to proclaim... "RESPECT IS A JEDI" in chat, and were WRONG. It was in my best interest to misdirect them for being....... mouthbreathing shitlords.
You see a trend here? People start shit with us, and we engage them. So let's not pretend like we "reap what we sew" as someone said earlier. You start shit with us, we're going to hit back. But people need to stop making it sound like we're out looking for people to grief. We don't do that.