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Royan wrote:Something you may want to consider is that if you're going to a bunch of different games and everyone always thinks you're assholes in each one of them... you may be more of an asshole than you think
There is a difference between being an asshole, and beating people that can't handle losing.

Again, I'm challenging anyone to prove that we're griefers and hate tellers. I freely admit to telling Merrie to get off of our nuts. And again, that was on test center, where I logged in to find out if the mysterious houses that were popping up all over the borders of Nar Kanji were there when test was reset. They were not there on test, which means they were brand new additions to the city. And I found the freaking culprit standing right in the middle of our city. The griefing had already begun.

The people that we know will tell you that we're friendly people. We have good relations with most of the people on this server. But if you say or do something out of line, we will be the first ones to let you know, and then put you in check. That's how we roll.

If people can't handle that, and feel the need to exaggerate, or try to find other ways to "beat" us, so be it. That's on you.

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T3hAdmiral wrote:
Is there a cliffs notes version of this some where?
Cliff Notes:

B says A is stalking them. B claims (only minimally tainted) righteousness.

A says “neener-neener. No you aren't."

C says, you have it coming.

(but I worked so hard on the novel!)

Yes. That was me.
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Celt wrote:Now I assume the next counter will be "those arent vile hate tells lol just playin" so I will cite the example that one of your guys told one of my guys he "wasn't sure he you haven't gotten cancer yet". That's pretty vile. Given I have only had a half dozen or so run-ins with you guys and I have already seen that much, I think it's safe to extrapolate that kind of behavior is business as usual. I highly doubt <BH> are the only people who have been on the bad end of those tirades.
Whaaaaat? Who? You can PM me the name, if you'd rather not say it here.

I'd have to assume that it's a Jedi if it was to someone in BH. I know it wasn't me.

Rydan, Fishface and I had words yesterday. It was after I discovered their dumb ass plan to try to ambush me again. But there were no hate tells when I got 3v1'd.

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neutrineaux wrote:

(but I worked so hard on the novel!)
I know you did, but the protagonist is so much clearer to me now.

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Sevvy wrote:
Whaaaaat? Who? You can PM me the name, if you'd rather not say it here.

I'd have to assume that it's a Jedi if it was to someone in BH. I know it wasn't me.

Rydan, Fishface and I had words yesterday. It was after I discovered their dumb ass plan to try to ambush me again. But there were no hate tells when I got 3v1'd.
The who is pretty irrelevant, I simply explaining where the reputation comes from. We can talk more privately if that's what you want, but it's not an issue for me. Though given some inaccurate reports you have received from your guildies about their actions (Inperators claim we 3v1'd him for example) you may have some spewing nasty stuff and not telling you whats up. Either way, that's your business, not mine. Again, simply explaining where the rep comes from.

As for Rydan and Fishface...yea they can get heated and neither has an issue standing up for himself. I am glad it was resolved.

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Celt wrote: so I will cite the example that one of your guys told one of my guys he "wasn't sure he you haven't gotten cancer yet".
SS or it didnt happen

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Celt wrote: The who is pretty irrelevant
Actually the who is pretty relevant. When you accuse someone, but then fail to provide proof of the accusation, your argument is dead before it begins.

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As I said, deny deny deny. *shrug* I don't really care if you believe it or not. I was simply explaining what your rep is and where it comes from.

Though, I am guessing "ss or it didn't happen" probably doesn't do much to improve that rep. Oh well. interwebzinterwebz.

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tnick wrote:
Celt wrote: The who is pretty irrelevant
Actually the who is pretty relevant. When you accuse someone, but then fail to provide proof of the accusation, your argument is dead before it begins.
Again, it's not an accusation. I didn't mention it as proof of anything, and I didn't understand I had to have proof to begin with to say "this is why people treat you this way". It's not <BH> SOP to ss all our hate tells in case someone denies spewing them at some later date. I was simply explaining what your guild's reputation is and why it has that reputation. Deny it all you want, it's your prerogative.

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You're basically saying we have a bad reputation because of "bla bla bla" but then not saying who said it. This is a case of "he said she said" at this point which doesn't stand up in court and doesn't stand up here. Either provide the proof so wan can handle it internally, as sending hate tells is not our SOP, or shut the fuck up and remove yourself from the conversation.

EDIT: whoops, language. As I said, I am former military and can't help it.

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tnick wrote:You're basically saying we have a bad reputation because of "bla bla bla" but then not saying who said it. This is a case of "he said she said" at this point which doesn't stand up in court and doesn't stand up here. Either provide the proof so wan can handle it internally, as sending hate tells is not our SOP, or shut the fuck up and remove yourself from the conversation.

EDIT: whoops, language. As I said, I am former military and can't help it.
As a guy who is also prior service I will lead with this "Go fuck your sister".

As a guy who doesn't care what you handle internally, and doesn't have proof (would be kinda creepy if I did huh?), I can tell you, I really don't care whether you believe shit or anyone else does. All I was doing was explaining your guild's reputation and somehow you bunch of goatfucks managed to turn this into some witch hunt.

You already know that people within your guild bend the truth, even internally when only his "friends" are watching (again, I'll reference the Inperator trackstar incident). Yet the burden of proof falls on me?

Maybe I can spell it out for you. I couldn't give less of a fuck if you handle your internal issue. I just think its weird that your guild starts a thread calling people shitlords, then complains and seems confused as to why people are mean to them. Stop being retarded.

Screenshot that shit.

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Done. See how easy it is? Took me less than a minute.

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So here's the thing. You guys claim to have this high ethical standard of never sending hate tells, griefing, etc but you also go around in threads calling people mouthbreathing shitlords, forging screenshots to protect yourselves (and then demanding screenshots of your actions), lying about encounters, etc. and then immediately trying to shut up anyone who calls you out on your shit. You can't have it both ways. You're so wrapped up in your "Us vs Them" mentality and "We're hardcore" bullshit and it sounds like this follows you from game to game from your own member's description. A hardcore guild does not give you the blank check to free yourself from being assholes under the guise of "They're mad because they lost." I've been in hardcore guilds that were incredibly respected, I've been in hardcore guilds that were assholes, and I've been in asshole guilds. How about you guys either restrict yourself to this supposed high standard or drop the pretense.

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Haha, this is slowly evolving into the most epic forum post on this sub forum.

I have personally been on both sides, fought against KK and with KK, never had any problems myself.

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Drakathos wrote:
I have personally been on both sides, fought against KK and with KK, never had any problems myself.

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Royan wrote:So here's the thing. You guys claim to have this high ethical standard of never sending hate tells, griefing, etc but you also go around in threads calling people mouthbreathing shitlords, forging screenshots to protect yourselves (and then demanding screenshots of your actions), lying about encounters, etc. and then immediately trying to shut up anyone who calls you out on your shit. You can't have it both ways. You're so wrapped up in your "Us vs Them" mentality and "We're hardcore" bullshit and it sounds like this follows you from game to game from your own member's description. A hardcore guild does not give you the blank check to free yourself from being assholes under the guise of "They're mad because they lost." I've been in hardcore guilds that were incredibly respected, I've been in hardcore guilds that were assholes, and I've been in asshole guilds. How about you guys either restrict yourself to this supposed high standard or drop the pretense.
The problem with ALL of this, is that it can be explained. Yet no one is interested in explanations, they just want the juicy drama. They just want to jump to conclusions and pile-on Kanjiklub for some reason.

I called them mouthbreathing shitlords, because they are. Because they've been griefing our city. They've been following us around wherever we go. If you come to our city at any time throughout the day, I can probably show you at least 1-2 members of Merrie's fanclub that follow us around almost all day long. I'm not even joking. They think they're being cute by devoting what seems like 100% of their time ingame to see what we're doing, or drop more houses on the border of our city.

I photoshopped a picture of my Swordsman as a Jedi, because I was being hounded by both SITH and BH about being a Jedi. In fact, here is the beginning of it, but there was MUCH much more where that came from...


It's not my fault that they jumped to conclusions, followed me around, sent me tells telling me that they're coming for me over and over again, got on rebel and neutral alts to proclaim... "RESPECT IS A JEDI" in chat, and were WRONG. It was in my best interest to misdirect them for being....... mouthbreathing shitlords.

You see a trend here? People start shit with us, and we engage them. So let's not pretend like we "reap what we sew" as someone said earlier. You start shit with us, we're going to hit back. But people need to stop making it sound like we're out looking for people to grief. We don't do that.

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Sevvy wrote: The problem with ALL of this, is that it can be explained. Yet no one is interested in explanations, they just want the juicy drama. They just want to jump to conclusions and pile-on Kanjiklub for some reason.

I called them mouthbreathing shitlords, because they are. Because they've been griefing our city. They've been following us around wherever we go. If you come to our city at any time throughout the day, I can probably show you at least 1-2 members of Merrie's fanclub that follow us around almost all day long. I'm not even joking. They think they're being cute by devoting what seems like 100% of their time ingame to see what we're doing, or drop more houses on the border of our city.

I photoshopped a picture of my Swordsman as a Jedi, because I was being hounded by both SITH and BH about being a Jedi. In fact, here is the beginning of it, but there was MUCH much more where that came from...


It's not my fault that they jumped to conclusions, followed me around, sent me tells telling me that they're coming for me over and over again, got on rebel and neutral alts to proclaim... "RESPECT IS A JEDI" in chat, and were WRONG. It was in my best interest to misdirect them for being....... mouthbreathing shitlords.

You see a trend here? People start shit with us, and we engage them. So let's not pretend like we "reap what we sew" as someone said earlier. You start shit with us, we're going to hit back. But people need to stop making it sound like we're out looking for people to grief. We don't do that.
And there we go - that's a valuable post. You addressed everything relatively calmly and gave your perspective. If every post was like that I don't think I'd have any problem with what I see of <KK>

Royan / Vulcan
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Celt wrote: so I will cite the example that one of your guys told one of my guys he "wasn't sure he you haven't gotten cancer yet".
Like I said, every bad thing anyone has heard about us is exactly this, "I know a guy that says someone from their guild did X". If we are such assholes, where all the people with FIRST HAND experience of such? We've only been rude to two people, Idah (who was obviously insane) and Merrie, AFTER she started to grief us.

If we were such assholes, don't you think WE would be the ones trying to grief? Wouldn't we be making shit up about Merrie and yourself? But no, we aren't making unsubstantiated accusations. We aren't going around telling everyone that you are an asshole based on what we heard from a guy that knows a guy.

We do not claim to be Angels. We are here to PvP and we have very little mercy. This is not about making everyone think w are god damn saints, it's about calling out Merrie's hypocrisy and hateful demeanour that she masks with her claims of being a victim.

Telling someone to get off your nuts is not is pretty minor. If we were chasing Xman around with a group of 6 BH and he said "GET OFF MY NUTS!" I wouldn't embark on a multi-week campaign placing buildings all around his city and only go after his bases when they are cold and nobody is around. I would laugh and then probably cut him some slack because I don't want my enemies to quit the game.

Any way you look at it, Merrie is being a shitty person.

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Royan wrote:
Sevvy wrote: The problem with ALL of this, is that it can be explained. Yet no one is interested in explanations, they just want the juicy drama. They just want to jump to conclusions and pile-on Kanjiklub for some reason.

I called them mouthbreathing shitlords, because they are. Because they've been griefing our city. They've been following us around wherever we go. If you come to our city at any time throughout the day, I can probably show you at least 1-2 members of Merrie's fanclub that follow us around almost all day long. I'm not even joking. They think they're being cute by devoting what seems like 100% of their time ingame to see what we're doing, or drop more houses on the border of our city.

I photoshopped a picture of my Swordsman as a Jedi, because I was being hounded by both SITH and BH about being a Jedi. In fact, here is the beginning of it, but there was MUCH much more where that came from...


It's not my fault that they jumped to conclusions, followed me around, sent me tells telling me that they're coming for me over and over again, got on rebel and neutral alts to proclaim... "RESPECT IS A JEDI" in chat, and were WRONG. It was in my best interest to misdirect them for being....... mouthbreathing shitlords.

You see a trend here? People start shit with us, and we engage them. So let's not pretend like we "reap what we sew" as someone said earlier. You start shit with us, we're going to hit back. But people need to stop making it sound like we're out looking for people to grief. We don't do that.
And there we go - that's a valuable post. You addressed everything relatively calmly and gave your perspective. If every post was like that I don't think I'd have any problem with what I see of <KK>
That and a little bit of proof goes a long way. A lot of hate came our way after they went out of their way to expose his character, Respect, as a Jedi and to sub-sequentially try to harass him and follow him to get him termed and killed so he would lose exp. So he came up with an idea to keep them thinking that while keeping his real Jedi a secret until he finished leveling. Indeed, it did soil any credibility with the BH guild, who will now not take any evidence we have as any proof (shame really our hunters frequently go after any and all Jedi on the terms). So we ran misdirection on them and made their heads spin and now they don't like us too much. Then SITH came after us, while employing some of the BH'ers to attack our bases. We repelled their attacks and we eventually ended up here with Merrie and her band of merry friends griefing my awesome city with their houses placed along the outskirts.

Ellarria - Kanjiklub <Kk> Ginger Vegan Jedi
Bill'E Mays - Armorsmith/Artisan
