I ran Crafter's Corner & Gink-N-Go there with free buffing and vendors for many months.
Just outside of the Agro Outpost at /way 3150 -5745
City will offer:
24/7 free buffs, a growing mall and most importantly improved job market for missions on Dantooine.
I've finished master doctor and already have him parked in the city with a /auction advert and buff macro going. Just send a tell when you're there. Also finished my artisan, have a vendor offering brandy and swoops at the moment. Only been here 4 days so it's a good start. City will be rank 2 on Nov10th with mission terminals. For now, if you're grinding on Dant and looking for a quick buff and stuff, stop in rather than travel back across the galaxy! Already have an Ent lined up to buff there as well as a couple crafter friends working on getting their vendor stock going.
If you've got a couple spare lots for a house and are looking to help out with citizenship, drop me a mail or message in game on OG-Trump.

Thanks, see you soon.