BTW, you never posted that uncropped screenshot. How many people were grouped in the photo you were bragging about, which once again was nowhere near water so I don't understand what you were posting it for in the first place? To brag about killing me? Lets see how many were in your group, because I know it wasn't with less than 4. Accuse me of "rewriting history" so lets get a clear representation of that one

lol you wish you were that important. I am sure changes could be made but I haven't given any serious consideration to objective changes so we can't go there. I have no ideas/complaints right now outside of the lack of TEF.davej30 wrote:What you need to do is petition Ed and co to have BH removed or nerfed,because its getting in the way of your jedi power battles.
So what you can do is to carry on logging out in combat and killing oppsite faction jedi to deny bh kills until the devs grant you your fondish wish and remove bh from the game.