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Someone is mad and typing a lot lol. You seem to have forgotten that I am the only Jedi who would stand around for hours and hours to fight you guys for months. I enjoyed BH fights. 5 red dots on my screen at a time is not BH fighting, especially with no defender, and I am under no obligation to pretend it is. Sorry if that sucks for you, but despite all of that I am still not here complaining about the dynamic. Keep doing it, I don't care. I never said you should stop, because I would probably do the same stuff as BH. I'm just saying it's boring as fuck compared to actual GCW pvp. For the 100th time, all I did was suggest trying something new for fun :) You got all defensive and worked up, accusing me of shit that I hadn't been doing. Nothing that I de-railed your thread about had anything to do with the OP topic or defending people in your post (including myself). Gave some props to the solo hunters then GCW talk. That's it.

BTW, you never posted that uncropped screenshot. How many people were grouped in the photo you were bragging about, which once again was nowhere near water so I don't understand what you were posting it for in the first place? To brag about killing me? Lets see how many were in your group, because I know it wasn't with less than 4. Accuse me of "rewriting history" so lets get a clear representation of that one :D
davej30 wrote:What you need to do is petition Ed and co to have BH removed or nerfed,because its getting in the way of your jedi power battles.
So what you can do is to carry on logging out in combat and killing oppsite faction jedi to deny bh kills until the devs grant you your fondish wish and remove bh from the game.
lol you wish you were that important. I am sure changes could be made but I haven't given any serious consideration to objective changes so we can't go there. I have no ideas/complaints right now outside of the lack of TEF.

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keylorn wrote: You seem to have forgotten that I am the only Jedi who would stand around for hours and hours to fight you guys for months.
lol no you are just the latest. you gave ellarria shit for not playing anymore, but ironically that will be you one day. in the retirement home and starting shit on the forums. pretty soon your playtime will cut back as you fade out to whatever game you play next. you will blame a lack of pvp, bh balance issues, team hunters etc.

then the next guy will take over. its probably someone who unlocked in the last month or so. they will grind their butt off, then start pvping. they will kill a few people then come on the forums and start talking shit. they will say all this same stuff you are now. you are not unique, as much as you want to think you are. you are just another guy who unlocked and thinks he is hot shit. You arent the first, and you wont be the last. we will still be here though.


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Celt wrote:
keylorn wrote: You seem to have forgotten that I am the only Jedi who would stand around for hours and hours to fight you guys for months.
lol no you are just the latest. you gave ellarria shit for not playing anymore, but ironically that will be you one day. in the retirement home and starting shit on the forums. pretty soon your playtime will cut back as you fade out to whatever game you play next. you will blame a lack of pvp, bh balance issues, team hunters etc.

then the next guy will take over. its probably someone who unlocked in the last month or so. they will grind their butt off, then start pvping. they will kill a few people then come on the forums and start talking shit. they will say all this same stuff you are now. you are not unique, as much as you want to think you are. you are just another guy who unlocked and thinks he is hot shit. You arent the first, and you wont be the last. we will still be here though.

Bruh, I thought you were an okay forum warrior yourself, but trash talk about a guy maybe quitting the game someday? OH SHIT, GOOD ONE BRUH! :D Can't say I agree with you about sticking around on the forums if that day comes though lol...that's just sad *cough*

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Celt wrote:
keylorn wrote: You seem to have forgotten that I am the only Jedi who would stand around for hours and hours to fight you guys for months.
lol no you are just the latest. you gave ellarria shit for not playing anymore, but ironically that will be you one day. in the retirement home and starting shit on the forums. pretty soon your playtime will cut back as you fade out to whatever game you play next. you will blame a lack of pvp, bh balance issues, team hunters etc.

then the next guy will take over. its probably someone who unlocked in the last month or so. they will grind their butt off, then start pvping. they will kill a few people then come on the forums and start talking shit. they will say all this same stuff you are now. you are not unique, as much as you want to think you are. you are just another guy who unlocked and thinks he is hot shit. You arent the first, and you wont be the last. we will still be here though.

Hey now, let's not group this guy in the same category as me. Sure, I talk mad smack, but I have never said I was the uber elite 1v1 jedi master Yoda wannabe. Those of us that are(were) in <Kk> had mad game in the group pvp realm and rarely lost to equally matched opponents (on our Jedi or our other pvp toons). We wanted to started wars with anyone that wanted to challenge us when we were in our prime. The <SITH> guys conveniently went on vacation (after we spanked them in a battle in Theed) until we went casual and "retired"....sigh.

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Just had some great GCW pvp as Rebels attacked our city and not in small numbers on either side. Point proven tonight. There is good fun to be had and I'm sure the Rebs wouldn't say no to any help from whatever characters you want to play :)

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keylorn wrote:lol

Just had some great GCW pvp as Rebels attacked our city and not in small numbers on either side. Point proven tonight. There is good fun to be had and I'm sure the Rebs wouldn't say no to any help from whatever characters you want to play :)
Did you /logout?
No actually dont answer that,because it never happens ;)

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keylorn wrote: and not in small numbers on either side.
at the height of it there was maybe 5 of us, and in the span of 3 min it was down to Dunka and I hahaha, that shit was fun


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davej30 wrote:
keylorn wrote:lol

Just had some great GCW pvp as Rebels attacked our city and not in small numbers on either side. Point proven tonight. There is good fun to be had and I'm sure the Rebs wouldn't say no to any help from whatever characters you want to play :)
Did you /logout?
No actually dont answer that,because it never happens ;)

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keylorn wrote:Just had some great GCW pvp as Rebels attacked our city and not in small numbers on either side. Point proven tonight.

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Facepalm. Only you tards would say that personal experiences of myself and other players are not proof that gcw pvp can be fun.

Done with this one. Feel free to reply so you can have the last word and feel like you won the internet forum pvp. I get the feeling that is important to you guys.

Peace out ladies.

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Last word shall be mine!

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I click the link thinking it was Dunka's video from tonights PvP... fml.

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Brianklein33 wrote:I click the link thinking it was Dunka's video from tonights PvP... fml.
rofl, that will be on later when I get some sleep.

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Well things are going to be more organized in a near future. Despite the imps don't want to, and will never come to our lovely place (Avalon Prime), we will have to adapt if we want to develop PvP on awakening.

I think Keylorn that you are totally wrong when you say that you should not coordinate with rebels to promote pvp on this server. Indeed, it's not just a matter of saying on the forum that "there is no pvp, we need more rebels". If each side (Rebel/Imp/BH) does not do their part of the job, then people will get tired of moving their butts to the same place for being ganked. I just speak for myself, I will continue to tease you all in Ravenloft but I would appreciate to see you either in Theed or AP, dealing with our base or turrets and fights with us!!
There is a good will, on both sides, to develop pvp, thus it should not be very difficult to make an effort.

Honestly, the only fun I had yesterday was to fight with Zaner in a "1vs1", with Nightmare and despite I lost my duel, I really enjoyed facing a true pvper.


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Woolystyle wrote: people will get tired of moving their butts to the same place for being ganked. I just speak for myself, I will continue to tease you all in Ravenloft but I would appreciate to see you either in Theed or AP, dealing with our base or turrets and fights with us!!
Keylorn and myself just talked about this the other day. I am not a Ravenloft resident, but I do just happen to wander to where the PvP is, but I would expect some retaliation in AP though ;).

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Woolystyle wrote:I think Keylorn that you are totally wrong when you say that you should not coordinate with rebels to promote pvp on this server.
I realized that I was wrong :) The way that you guys handled business last night was perfect IMO, making sure we knew you were coming back so people stuck around for more fun. That's cool in my book. In fact I've done it with BH'ers when I've wanted a rematch against teams that dropped me.

And yes, the Empire has taken an interest in Avalon Prime. Plan accordingly.

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its what ive been saying for ages,plan it event style and talk with your opposition you will eventually get it spontaneously,good to hear of the two factions working together to make something :)

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I have 1.5 hours of video to go through from the last brawl, was way too hungover yesterday to do it haha. Would have double that but was too drunk to remember to press record when we headed out the second time.

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This is an awesome layout