Run this command once with the character's name(s) which will be sending the tells
/alias characterName1 /stand
/alias characterName2 /stand
/alias characterName3 /stand
Create this macro standFromTell for each avatar which will be controlled.
/ui action startChatReply;
/ui action chatCursorHome;
/ui action chatCursorRight;
/ui action chatDelete;
/ui action chatDelete;
/ui action chatDelete;
/ui action chatDelete;
/ui action chatDelete;
/ui action chatEnter;
/tell remoteAvatarName Clearing Tell target;
/pause 1;
/macro standFromTell
Run standFromTell on the characters which you would like to /tell to /stand
Now any /tell you send from a character who you made an /alias for, will trigger the /stand command on any character running the standFromTell macro.
I would recommend making a macro to /tell remoteAvatarName someMessage to hotkey now so you can hit it when you see it needs to stand, the message content is irrelevant.
Furthermore, you cannot run this on both characters at once, since the character's name who's being told to stand cannot be aliased to /stand, otherwise when he /tells himself to clear, it will still be executing the alias with his name. If you make this mistake, use /unalias charactersName in order to clear the alias assignment. StepoKedur suggests you can remove the first letter of the name in order to work around the issue, this will require adding another /ui action chatDelete; line to one of the receiving macros and when making the alias leave out the first letter of the senders name.
StepoKedur wrote:...or add another delete to make (as my example above uses) /Royan into /oyan maybe?