Con Diarmid, Naboo needs you!

Listing for Player Cities on Awakening
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Hi folks!

Due to a few old players having nothing in thier banks, a few structures in Con Diarmid have gone #poof!#

This means the city is now an, erm city rather than a metropolis. City limits have shrunk to 100m from what they were.

I posted an update to the city here. The restructuring is going well. The thread here tells you a little about Con Diarmid. At the end of the thread are new (pre tier 4 city) pics of Con Diarmid if you have not seen them. viewtopic.php?f=88&t=8027

I also issued this to citizens this morning...

> Hi folks!
> As of this morning Con Diarmid has dropped to a tier 4 city, which means the city limits have reduced a little. This includes the bank near Dani's house and the N S E W boundary markers.
> We are down to 52 citizens. If you find your or an alt's house is outside of the city limits, please get in touch with myself or a militia member to get zoning rights so (if you can afford it) you can temporarilly place a small house inside the city limits.
> Some of this expansion was caused by some houses going poof from players whose bank creds have run out, therefore leaving the city.
> I have a couple of threads in the forums advertising the place, but would appreciate it if you spread the word around for citizens to join.
> With luck we will be back up to max city limits in the next cycle (three weeks time).
> Thanks!
> Stepo

Ask in general chat for militia members if you would like to place a structure in town. For the look of the place, small round Naboo houses and medium Naboo houses are a fitting look. Hoping to build around the market for a nice visual aesthetic, as the draw distance lets things down a little. The houses act as a kind of curtain :P

Here are the pics for ease too...

New Improved Layout!

A few extra things will be dropped after publish 9 too :) (small pics shown, links to better pics under them):



For this one:
1: Dani's Pleasure Boat.
2: Underground Blk Market (mall opposite shuttle). Fozzie's armour, Squishe's resources (I've got gas, Heavy metal, Gems R us, Crazy Chems and Fruits to nuts). Optimistic's weapons etc. to be restocked soon.
3: Bank.
4: Spare tent (for rent).
5: HD Inc. (Shady smuggler supplies, tools and parts).
6: Con Diarmid Branch of Kamino Tech Cloning Facility.
7: Sona's mini droid emporium.
8: [~V~] Corp. Armours and such, coming soon.
9: City Hall with faction terminals.
10: Ghough's bespoke tailors and Architecht office (see link on desk for options).
11: Fozzie's foods/harvies/paintings and crystals.
12: Chrakov's non-CH pets and mounts, SEAs and locked containers.
13: Smuggler's Run - contact Steppo. Slicing and such on demand.
(Between 12 and 13 is the 'Gateway to Con Diarmid, two staues facing Theed. This is close to the shuttle port and the med centre - 'Theed NHS Trust, Con Diarmid Hospital'.
14: Shaalo's 'Bazzar Martigal'. All kinds of things there, restocking very soon.
15: The Goldfish Bowl. Weapons and stuff coming very soon!
16: The Spearmint Ronto (Naboo). No disintigrations! Cantina. (Note there are a couple of other cantinas near the town hall too).
17: Private Theatre, available for outdoor events.
18: Mayor's Office-tent.
19: Parking Garage (will be where the old mall is after publish 9).
Special Mention:
Up the hill in the large-ish NGE house is Priest's vendor, and next to the garage (Naboo house) is 'Stuff for sale' - weapons, resources, loot, SEAs, PUPs, smuggler stuff, organics, swoops and components.

...and Diarmid by night. A lovely place to unwind and relax in northern Naboo.



Stepo Kedur, Padawanesque
Steppo Kedur, Guild leader RoE
Steppppo Kedur, Mayor of Con Diarmid
Guild : [RoE] Rogues of the Empire


Stepo Kedur (jedi, M Smug/TKM)
Stepp (M Smug/M TKA)
Steave (Ent&art)
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A cheeky little start-of-the-week bump :)

Stepo Kedur, Padawanesque
Steppo Kedur, Guild leader RoE
Steppppo Kedur, Mayor of Con Diarmid
Guild : [RoE] Rogues of the Empire


Stepo Kedur (jedi, M Smug/TKM)
Stepp (M Smug/M TKA)
Steave (Ent&art)
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As I of my alts would like to get a small house in the city...for nostalgic reasons. Since it was my first home and city I moved into when I first started.

Taiceu- Force Chef
Watashi- Fishboy's Doctor/Cm
Asawa- personal entertainer puppy
Sirouchie - Krayt feeding stacker
BBQ- Hungry Commando
Trac - Master Ranger
And few more...

Leader of House Dragonic <HD>
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Champion :)

Stepo Kedur, Padawanesque
Steppo Kedur, Guild leader RoE
Steppppo Kedur, Mayor of Con Diarmid
Guild : [RoE] Rogues of the Empire


Stepo Kedur (jedi, M Smug/TKM)
Stepp (M Smug/M TKA)
Steave (Ent&art)
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a cheeky /bump and a reminder to Tai I will catch up with him soon :)

Stepo Kedur, Padawanesque
Steppo Kedur, Guild leader RoE
Steppppo Kedur, Mayor of Con Diarmid
Guild : [RoE] Rogues of the Empire


Stepo Kedur (jedi, M Smug/TKM)
Stepp (M Smug/M TKA)
Steave (Ent&art)
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Begining of the week /bump :)

Stepo Kedur, Padawanesque
Steppo Kedur, Guild leader RoE
Steppppo Kedur, Mayor of Con Diarmid
Guild : [RoE] Rogues of the Empire


Stepo Kedur (jedi, M Smug/TKM)
Stepp (M Smug/M TKA)
Steave (Ent&art)