Master Artisan looking for new home and guild

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Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:48 am

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Hi, My name is Art and I have two toons Osso Dawnbringer [glow]the Master Artisan [/glow]( working on architect and Amour smith) and Medic and Motiss Dawnbringer The Brawler and Musician. Back in the day, I was one of the main artisans for a guild on the Kettemoor sever and I'm looking for a new home. I'm not picky on the planet and I was Rebel Scum in the old days but don't really have that much time to do that again ( job/family/RL ) but I can make scheduled events and maintain an artisan busisness that supplies the guild with stuff. Feel free to drop me contact info. May the Force be with you.

This is the Worst Star Trek MMO ever.
The Chosen
The Chosen
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Location: North Pole, Alaska

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Good Morning! The Journeymen <TJM> are Imperial/neutral. We have founded the Metropolis of Bedrock, 1600m NW of Mos Entha, Tatooine. It is a Scientific Society, with full 125/125 ent buffs and over 2800 doc buffs are available. We also have the Metropolis of Mos Crumpit, the mayor is Dr-Seuss. It is an Industrial Society with all of the crafting trainers. It has a "Craftina" with all of the crafting stations in it, and some resource and tool vendors as well. There is the "Med Academy", which has an ent action burner, stim packs and mats available to do your Doc and CM grind. So, whether you are starting out, or smashing mokks on dant, we have the place for you!

If you are looking for a casual PvP/PvE guild to just be social in and have some friends to talk to, then hit me up here or any of my officers in game. We have lots of experience with all facets of the game.

We have an open recruitment of all classes and fields. We have a ventrilo server for voice comms.

Guild Leader- Artis
Officer- Talmoc
Recruitment Officer (and mayor of Bedrock)- Absinthe
Officer- Kaughn, Dr-Seuss (Mayor of Mos Crumpit)
Officer- Wok (on leave)

You can hit me up at either of my alts in game as well. They are listed below in my sig. It is best to send an email to us in game as well, so that we can add you and reply to arrange a time. I am in Alaska, Talmoc and Absinthe are east coast, and Wok is in central. So, our play times are often different. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hail Awakening!

PanzerMkIV-Dark Jedi Knight
Merchantof Venice- MArchitect/MMerchant
Guild Leader of The Journeymen
Dropoff vendor--Sockeye Dropoff -21 3766, Bedrock, Tatooine (NW of Mos Entha)