7th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt

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Event Coordinator
<b>Event Coordinator</b>
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:38 am

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Greetings Awakening!

Event Information:
7 NPCs have been placed throughout the galaxy to represent a selection of the Awakening staff. Your challenge, to find the 7 during the weekend (Friday reset to Monday reset). Minor prizes (lucky dip from a prize bag) are to be awarded for the first player to find and email Rogue each of the 7 locations (one per NPC), as well as a grand prize (winner's choice of rare vehicle) for the first to find and in-game email to Rogue, the correct waypoint for all 7 NPCs.

Please use the following format for your submissions AS TEXT in the BODY of an email (not attachments to the email):
7th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt Locations:

Cyclone -5529 33 4779 Naboo Found 1st by Falong
Dirge -2586 -72 3048 Corellia Found First by Telac
Incognito -2069 76 3287 Rori Found First by Zwwoppi
Kryze 1234,56,7890 Dantooine Found First by Hena
Moonbeam -7093 -26 657 Endor Found First by Roget
Psion 4911 441 -6000 Talus Found First by Truth
Rogue -5980 92 -6289 Tatooine Found First by Skwishmitten

The First to find all 7: Falong

Note: To permit more players to have an opportunity to collect a reward, only 1 of the 7 was accepted per character. Credit was given to Falong, the First person to correctly Identify all 7 waypoints by email.

YavinIV.png (451.92 KiB) Viewed 41742 times
Tatooine.png (502.56 KiB) Viewed 41742 times
Talus.png (395.36 KiB) Viewed 41742 times
Rori.png (499.36 KiB) Viewed 41742 times
Naboo.png (439.44 KiB) Viewed 41742 times
Endor.png (448 KiB) Viewed 41742 times
Corellia.png (486.7 KiB) Viewed 41742 times

Event Coordinator
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