May the 4th Scavenger Hunt and Token Lottery

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Koorlbardi's Spies (Scavenger Hunt Event)
Koorlbardi's Blue Spies have gone walkabout and i would like them found! They all carry the same Surname Djinda

Hint as of 6th May 10PM GMT+8: All 10 NPC are in the wilds Not inside NPC Cities/Towns, they may hoever be inside structures/bunkers/Caves
Hint as of 8th of May 10:30am GMT+8 Rori and Yavin are Faction adjacent, Dathomir will require buffs/combat toon & Dantooine/Corellia/Lok/Tatooine/Endor Seek outside you must
Hint as of May 10th For Remainder of 3 unclaimed minor Prizes
  • Rori: Rori is Faction Adjacent, Partake in the GCW fixed base Fights you must.
  • Naboo: Inside caves you must search.
  • Lok: Living amongst the Kimogilas i am!
How it works; 10 (1 for each planet) Chiss NPCs will be placed at an undisclosed locations on each planet. Minor prizes are to be awarded to the first player to in-game mail Koorlbardi the waypoint (X, Y and Z coordinates & planet name and Full NPC Name) for each of the 10 NPCs. The grand prize for the first person to in-game mail Koorlbardi all 10 Waypoints (X, Y and Z coordinates & planet name). There will be a sample of the type of NPC you are looking for on display next to the Lottery Droid Located in Coronet.

Example of email submission: <firstname> Djinda -993, 6, -5579 Naboo
Grand prize entry must include all 10 waypoints in one email!

Prizes will be awarded as follows:
  • A minor prize for the first character to find each NPC (one prize per NPC) and in-game mail Koorlbardi its location
    • Limit of one minor prize per account
    • Minor prizes are your choice of one item from Koorlbardi's Grab bag.
Locations Found to date:
  • Endor - Player: Mikee
  • Corellia - Player: JohnMatrix
  • Naboo - Player: Mikee Minor Prize: TBA next eligible player
  • Talus - Player: Gref
  • Dathoomir - Player: 1st Mikee, 2nd Gref Minor Prize: Nojh
  • Yavin 4 - Player: Gref Minor Prize: Doost
  • Lok - Player: Mikee Minor Prize: TBA next eligible player
  • Rori - Player: Mikee Minor Prize: TBA next eligible player
  • Dantooine - Player: Bushman
  • Tatooine - Player Gref Minor Prize Oldbugss

[*]Grand prize for the first player to find and in-game mail Koorlbardi the correct location of all 10 NPCs (player's choice of a rare vehicle from the list below). Grand prize entry must include all 10 waypoints Congratulations to: Mikee!
  • BARC Speeder
  • Imperial BARC Speeder
  • Rebel BARC Speeder
  • AB-1 Landspeeder
  • Desert Skiff/Transport Skiff
  • Mustafar Lava Skiff
  • Tantive-IV Landspeeder
  • USV-5 Landspeeder
  • V-35 Landspeeder
  • XP-38 Landspeeder

CSR Token Lottery will be located outside Coronet Starport

May the Force Be With You
Koorlbardi, Rogue & the Awakening Staff

Community Support Representative Level II and Event Coordinator
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