It is that time of year again, Star Wars Day is almost here! With that in mind, from next restart we will be starting a weeklong event. This will include two new random May 4th event paintings from the series, per account (put in the inventory of the first character to login after restart). A special event badge awarded to each of your characters that gets logged in during the event. On top of this we will also be adding the usual experience boost for the duration of the week. This will amount to three (3) times the base server XP rate. To see the shiny new paintings please remember to restart your launcher and SWG client(s) before logging in after the restart, this will force the required files to download.
To summarise everything that’s guaranteed to be happening during the week:
- Two new event paintings per account (put in the inventory of the first character to login)
- A May 4th 2020 event badge per character logged in
- Increased XP rate (3x the base rate)
From all of us on the Awakening staff team, May the 4th be with you!