After a prolonged maintenance period we believe the server is finally back in action. Thanks for bearing with us through this process. I will link the previous post I made about the server here, please give it a read: Live Server Restored
The most recent issue that we brought the server down for related to a problem that was identified with missing vendor items. We isolated the cause of this to a repeating boot loop the server got stuck in when we brought it back up the last time (this was caused by external scripts misfiring). While we assumed this would of had no affect on the server at the time, upon reviewing the logs we realised that it was improperly shutting down whilst auction updates were taking place, which lead to mass deletion of vendor items. When we brought the server back up this time, we copied across a freshly extracted version of the 8am EST database backup and left it running whilst doing some checks to ensure there was no erroneous behaviour detected. We are sufficiently satisfied that the vendor issue will not recur. That being said, if you notice anything out of the ordinary going forward please let us know via a ticket or the admin email. Server stability is our utmost priority!
As stated previously:
This still stands true. If anyone has any question or concerns please feel free to reach out. Otherwise, we hope you enjoy the increased XP and have some fun on Awakening!In the end we had to rollback to our 8am EST database backup, this means approximately 6 hours of player progress has been lost. Unfortunately there is no way to recover any player data from that 6 hour window and XP, loot and any other progress lost will not be regranted by staff. To try and make up for lost XP due to the rollback and to apologise for the server downtime we have increased the server XP multiplier to 3x the base rate, this will remain active until Monday's server restart.