• Welcome
Welcome to SWg Awakening Pre-Cu!

SWG Awakening is a Pre-CU based Star Wars Galaxies Server powered by SWGEmu. Awakening's goal is to revive Star Wars Galaxies and bring back Pre-CU in all its glory! Awakening has a unique Jedi unlock system, that NO other server incorporates. The goal with this new Jedi system is to bring back some mystery when obtaining Jedi.

To play on Awakening, you will need a copy of the original Star Wars Galaxies client. An Empire Divided, The Total Experience, or The Complete Online Adventures is required. Clients obtained through illegal means are strictly forbidden. Copies of the game are still available at most major online marketplaces. Please visit Play Now for a full guide on how to connect to SWG Awakening.

Note: If you register and don't receive an activation email within 15 minutes, please, check your spam folder. If you continue to have problems activating, please open a support ticket

  • Latest news

Unread post Awakening Donations

Just a reminder to everyone. Awakening relies on donations to cover operational costs. This is because we do not and cannot generate a commercial revenue stream to keep the lights on, as a requirement of keeping the operation of the emulator legal.

I know that money is tight for a lot of people right now, but if you have a few dollars you can spare, please contemplate putting some towards keeping Awakening going. I've put in $40 USD this month, and often chuck in some every other month. Any donations are appreciated no matter how big or small! Even if you can't donate, just helping out new players, making them feel welcome, and being a positive community member is great for the server as well.

Thanks for playing SWG with us here at Awakening, and making this community a great one!

Further donation information and the button to process a donation can be found here.

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Unread post Multiple Accounts in the same Household - Rule Enforcement

Hello players of Awakening,

Over the past few years we have been rather relaxed in auditing existing, unauthorised multi-accounts in the same household. This is going to change; we are going to begin combing over the logs for these and enforcing the policy once more. This is not to stop people from playing here. We want people to play here, however it needs to be done so fairly, so everyone has equal footing in-game (afterall, one account does already allow 10 characters). One of Awakening’s goals is providing a stable play server for all our members to enjoy, without risk of data loss. However, if you breech our multi-account rule and are caught doing so without authorisation, we will be taking action.

To remind everyone about the rule we have in place that encompasses multi-accounting, here it is, rule number 1 for the server:
1) We allow one game account per household. Each account provides 10 character slots & up to 2 characters online at the same time. Exceptions are occasionally made for family, roommates, and others living in the same household (they will be dealt with on case by case basis). If you wish to request an additional account for another person in your household, please submit a ticket and wait for approval. Do not create multiple accounts without prior approval from Awakening Staff. You run the risk of having your account(s) suspended or banned if you do so. These accounts are for other real people in the same household that are active behind the keyboard, not for one person to run multiple accounts.
Another thing to note, the rule for multiple accounts in the same household even encompasses temporary residency for things like LAN parties or visiting a friend, we expect a ticket to be submitted. The process is simple and easy to complete if you are being honest about your situation.

If you have more than one account being used in the same household, whether that be another person owning the account, or you, disregarding the one account per person rule. We urge you to come forward and submit a ticket about the issue before we find you with multiple unauthorised accounts in the same household. We will handle the situation accordingly. However, if you do not come forward, you risk having the accounts suspended or banned, pending investigation into the nature of the multiple accounts. Further creation of unauthorised multiple accounts could incur more severe action.

If you are unsure if the multiple accounts in your household are authorised you are better off submitting a ticket just in case, we much rather let you know if you are already authorised rather than having to suspend or ban your account further down the line. If you submitted your multi-account request prior to 2019 it is advised you resubmit your multi-account request. Some records before this time are incomplete due to the handover in administration.

Thank you all for choosing to play at SWG Awakening, we hope to see you around for many more years to come!

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Unread post New Launcher Public Release

Hello everyone,

Awakening now has a new launcher released that players will need to use to connect to the Awakening play and test server. We strongly advise members of our community to upgrade to this new launcher (link to how to download it at the end of this post), for now we will still be supporting the old launcher as well, but in the future we will cease support so please upgrade before this happens.

The new launcher comes with much needed GUI revitilisation and functionality that the old launcher was missing. We hope you enjoy it.

Instructions for download:

Thanks for continuing to play on Awakening,


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Unread post Star Wars Day 2020

It is that time of year again, Star Wars Day is almost here! With that in mind, from next restart we will be starting a weeklong event. This will include two new random May 4th event paintings from the series, per account (put in the inventory of the first character to login after restart). A special event badge awarded to each of your characters that gets logged in during the event. On top of this we will also be adding the usual experience boost for the duration of the week. This will amount to three (3) times the base server XP rate. To see the shiny new paintings please remember to restart your launcher and SWG client(s) before logging in after the restart, this will force the required files to download.


To summarise everything that’s guaranteed to be happening during the week:
  • Two new event paintings per account (put in the inventory of the first character to login)
  • A May 4th 2020 event badge per character logged in
  • Increased XP rate (3x the base rate)
All of these will be available from this Friday the 1st of May’s scheduled reset, to next Friday the 8th of May’s reset. Thank you all for experiencing your SWG adventure with us here at Awakening. We hope you enjoy!

From all of us on the Awakening staff team, May the 4th be with you!

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Unread post Staff Recruitment Announcement

We are excited to announce that we have recruited a new staff member to the team, this new member will be taking up the role of Event Coordinator.

We would like to congratulate Moonbeam [EC Intern] on their appointment to the role. In the next month or two Moonbeam [EC Intern] will be working to familiarise them self with the tools at their disposal so they can hopefully bring some live events back to Awakening for you all to enjoy.

Please make them feel welcome as they commence this position with us. We look forward to the exciting things they will have to offer in the future.

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