• Welcome
Welcome to SWg Awakening Pre-Cu!

SWG Awakening is a Pre-CU based Star Wars Galaxies Server powered by SWGEmu. Awakening's goal is to revive Star Wars Galaxies and bring back Pre-CU in all its glory! Awakening has a unique Jedi unlock system, that NO other server incorporates. The goal with this new Jedi system is to bring back some mystery when obtaining Jedi.

To play on Awakening, you will need a copy of the original Star Wars Galaxies client. An Empire Divided, The Total Experience, or The Complete Online Adventures is required. Clients obtained through illegal means are strictly forbidden. Copies of the game are still available at most major online marketplaces. Please visit Play Now for a full guide on how to connect to SWG Awakening.

Note: If you register and don't receive an activation email within 15 minutes, please, check your spam folder. If you continue to have problems activating, please open a support ticket

  • Latest news

Hotfix 10.0.6 (08/28/23)

The live server has been updated to Hotfix/Patch 10.0.6 with the scheduled server restart at 8:00am this morning (EST).

Please restart your game clients and launcher to fetch the most up to date client files.

You can find the patch notes here.

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