First, we would like to thank everyone who donated this month to help us reach our goal - and all of those that have donated in the past. As most of our players know Awakening relies on those donations to cover operational costs and any shortfalls in funding ultimately falls on staff to cover. In August we saw quite a few first-time donors and hope to see that trend continue in the future. So, we decided to implement an incentive plan to try getting the donation meter consistently filled on a monthly basis while possibly expanding the donor pool.
Beginning in September, bonus xp will be turned on for the remainder of the month once the donation meter hits 100% on the following schedule:
- Occurs on or before the 15th of the month - 50%
- After the 15th but on or before the 20th - 25%
- After the 20th - 10%
Thank you all for making Awakening your SWG home!