- Welcome
SWG Awakening is a Pre-CU based Star Wars Galaxies Server powered by SWGEmu. Awakening's goal is to revive Star Wars Galaxies and bring back Pre-CU in all its glory! Awakening has a unique Jedi unlock system, that NO other server incorporates. The goal with this new Jedi system is to bring back some mystery when obtaining Jedi.
To play on Awakening, you will need a copy of the original Star Wars Galaxies client. An Empire Divided, The Total Experience, or The Complete Online Adventures is required. Clients obtained through illegal means are strictly forbidden. Copies of the game are still available at most major online marketplaces. Please visit Play Now for a full guide on how to connect to SWG Awakening.
Note: If you register and don't receive an activation email within 15 minutes, please, check your spam folder. If you continue to have problems activating, please open a support ticket
- Latest news
Unread post Staff Rares Sale! (Sold Out)
- Posted by: Dirge » Thu Jul 19, 2018 12:35 am
- Forum: Announcements
Rumors have begun to circulate that CSR tokens are appearing on vendors throughout the galaxy. However, little is known about their locations. Brave explorers will need to confirm their existence.
Six vendors have been spread out across the galaxy, each containing a single item. Three of them are CSR tokens that can be traded in for rare and unique items in the CSR prize hall!
Hints may be given beginning at 8pm eastern on July 19th if any of the location of any of these vendors are left undiscovered.
Good luck to all of our hunters!
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Unread post July 6th Patch
- Posted by: Dirge » Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:40 am
- Forum: Announcements
We put a small patch in this morning. Most of the items are bug fixes but put in a couple of game play improvements, with the most notable changes being applied to Creature Handler. Full patch notes can be found @ viewtopic.php?f=85&t=10392
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Unread post PvP Chat Channel
- Posted by: Dirge » Mon May 07, 2018 9:12 am
- Forum: Announcements
As promised, there is now a PvP Chat channel for anyone who wants to talk smack in a public channel. This is not a "no holds barred" channel. Players are not free to issue threats against other players or sling racial slurs but can sling as much mud as they would like as long as they don't cross the personal and/or hateful boundaries.
To make sure your brand of trash talk reaches as many people as possible we have added an additional Discord bot that will link the games PvP Chat channel with the #pvp-chat channel in the Awakening Discord.
PvP is a huge part of SWG and we want to promote it as much as possible here on Awakening, but we ask that any of your PvP interactions either to this new channel or to a private channel.
Have fun!
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Unread post PvP Smack Talk
- Posted by: Dirge » Sat May 05, 2018 9:58 am
- Forum: Announcements
Keep it out of our general chat channel.
We have asked many times in recent weeks to keep the discussions civil. Friendly banter after a good fight is one thing. Attacking and/or degrading another player is crossing the line and we are growing tired of the complaints that the line is being crossed. It also reflects very poorly on our community which has a reputation of being welcoming and helpful to new and returning players. Turning those players away on day one prevents the growth of our server and our staff is busting their asses to get those new players to make Awakening their SWG home. We are working on a proper PvP channel to include in the list of global chats for people to use if they choose to. Until then take the smack talk to a private channel.
Additional Notes:
- Do not attempt to bait another player or cry foul when there is none
- Do not create and/or log in a new character to impersonate a "new player"
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Unread post May the 4th
- Posted by: Dirge » Fri May 04, 2018 7:42 am
- Forum: Announcements
Just a reminder that celebrations will begin following the server reset. Please remember to close and reopen the Awakening launcher, otherwise you will be unable to see the gift in your inventory.
We hope to see many of you at the events scheduled throughout the day. May the Fourth be with you!
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