January 2021 CSR Prize Token Lottery

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January 2021 CSR Prize Token Lottery

CONGRATS: Mymridon the winner of January 2021 CSR Prize Token Lottery

A CSR Prize Token lottery is active, this lottery will be run by one of the event promoter lottery droids. It is located in Theed, Naboo outside the Starport, ( /waypoint -4870 4150 ), and will last for 7 days from now, feel free to enter as many toons as you want. When the lottery droid timer comes to an end it will randomly select a winner from all entrants, the chosen entrant will then be announced here and in-game (so keep an eye out for if it is you). Your CSR Prize Token will only be put on hold for one month after the draw, if you don't pick it up by then it will no longer be available (contact Moonbeam to pick it up).

This event is designed to give people who don't have much time to spare for the long running monthly events or other live events a chance to get some cool CSR prizes, we hope you enjoy!


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