Live Server Restored

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Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:41 am
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Hello everyone,

We appreciate your patience while the server has been down, we have decided it is in the best interest of our players to use one of our database backups in order to bring the server back online. The corruption of the existing database was extensive and would have taken a considerable amount of time to recover, which would have meant continued server downtime.

During the process of importing our 12pm EST backup we discovered that the database corruption was already present at that stage, so it wasn't the deadlock that caused it, it just made us aware of its presence. We are still running further tests in the background to determine the cause of the corruption in order to fix that particular issue.

In the end we had to rollback to our 8am EST database backup, this means approximately 6 hours of player progress has been lost. Unfortunately there is no way to recover any player data from that 6 hour window and XP, loot and any other progress lost will not be regranted by staff. To try and make up for lost XP due to the rollback and to apologise for the server downtime we have increased the server XP multiplier to 3x the base rate, this will remain active until Monday's server restart.

We hope you enjoy the increased XP and have fun now the server is back online!

SWG Awakening Administrator and Community Support Team Lead
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