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Welcome to SWg Awakening Pre-Cu!

SWG Awakening is a Pre-CU based Star Wars Galaxies Server powered by SWGEmu. Awakening's goal is to revive Star Wars Galaxies and bring back Pre-CU in all its glory! Awakening has a unique Jedi unlock system, that NO other server incorporates. The goal with this new Jedi system is to bring back some mystery when obtaining Jedi.

To play on Awakening, you will need a copy of the original Star Wars Galaxies client. An Empire Divided, The Total Experience, or The Complete Online Adventures is required. Clients obtained through illegal means are strictly forbidden. Copies of the game are still available at most major online marketplaces. Please visit Play Now for a full guide on how to connect to SWG Awakening.

Note: If you register and don't receive an activation email within 15 minutes, please, check your spam folder. If you continue to have problems activating, please open a support ticket

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Unread post Awakening 9 Year Anniversary Celebrations!

Hello Awakening,

Another year has come and gone, our thanks to all the wonderful players that make Awakening the experience it is! Awakening will officially be 9 years old on November 8th! Thank you all, for continuing to be a welcoming and helpful community. To celebrate the 9 years, we have been voyaging through this galaxy as a community, we will be having the following week long festivities (Restart on the Monday the 6th of November thru Restart on the Monday the 13th). The event will include a commemorative set of paintings, XP bonus and a celebratory badge for your characters. The ECs also plan to make themselves available to run some events throughout the week.

This is how the week's celebrations will work:
  • Two random paintings from the commemorative collection will be awarded to the first toon on your account to login after the scheduled server restart on the 6th of November (this mechanism will be on until the restart on the 13th November).
  • A special commemorative badge will be awarded to each toon logged in between the usual scheduled restarts on the 6th and 13th.
  • All experience gained will be doubled (from the base rate of 1x or 100%) for the period between scheduled restarts, this means that the experience gains will be increased from their current level of 200%, to 3x or 300% of the base value.
  • Numerous live and long-running events will also be held.

Event List:
  • Anniversary Lotteries
    Three lotteries will be initiated during the week of the anniversary, each will be drawn in one week's time from the start date. A staff member will announce when and where they are placed (near a major starport).
    • Lottery prizes include:
      • Tier One: 1 Rare House of the Winner's Choice
        • Kashyyyk Tree House
        • Cloud City House (Bespin)
        • Commando Bunker
        • Jabba's Sail Barge
        • Jedi Meditation Room
        • Mustafarian Underground Bunker
        • Muunilinst Relaxation Pool
        • Sith Meditation Room
        • Vehicle Garage House
        • Yoda's Dagobah Hut
        • YT-1300 House
        • AT-AT House
        • SMC Hut
        • NS Hut
        • Rebel Spire
        • Emperor's Spire
      • Tier Two: 1 Rare Vehicle of the Winner's Choice
        • BARC Speeder
        • Imperial BARC Speeder
        • Rebel BARC Speeder
        • AB-1 Landspeeder
        • Desert Skiff/Transport Skiff
        • Mustafar Lava Skiff
        • Tantive-IV Landspeeder
        • USV-5 Landspeeder
        • V-35 Landspeeder
        • XP-38 Landspeeder
      • Tier Three: 1 Prize Token (for use in the prize hall)
  • Imperial Investigation (Scavenger Hunt Style Event)
    After an exhaustive 3 year long investigation, the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) finally managed to locate the weapons factory of the Rogue Chiss faction. Long suspected for passing off of their counterfeit weapons as genuine CDEF Imperial stock, the extensive collection of weapons has been confiscated & destroyed. In the process of the raid on Lok however, several members of the Rogue Chiss Faction have escaped Imperial detention. The ISB hereby calls on all loyal citizens of the Empire to assist in the acquiring the current location of these Rogue Chiss operatives.

    It is rumored that some small amounts of Rogue Chiss weapons may have be lost in transport to the Imperial Outpost. Any Loyal Citizen of the Empire who finds and collects all 3 (Rifle, Pistol & Carbine) of these substandard weapons, crafted by Rogue, will be recognized by the Empire for their diligent efforts. Simply submit the 3 counterfeit weapons in a single bag, named after yourself, to our Agent Vender in the Rogue OutPost on Naboo. (See Hidden Prize Box Event)

    How it works; on Monday after reset the 1st of 8 Rogue Chiss NPCs will be placed at an undisclosed location in the galaxy. One additional NPC will be spawned every 12-36 hours, with the last being spawned around 20:00 on Saturday. Minor prizes are to be awarded to the first player to in-game mail Rogue the waypoint (X, Y and Z coordinates & planet name) for each of the 8 NPCs. The grand prize for the first person to in-game mail Rogue all 8 Waypoints (X, Y and Z coordinates & planet name). There will be a sample of the type of NPC you are looking for on display in a merchant tent in the Rogue Outpost.
    Example of email submission: Sample RogueChiss -993, 6, -5579 Naboo
    Grand prize entry must include all 8 waypoints in one email!

    Prizes will be awarded as follows:
    • A minor prize for the first character to find each NPC (one prize per NPC) and in-game mail Rogue its location
      • Limit of one minor prize per account
      • Minor prizes are a Lesser Prize Token
      • Collection (Rifle, Pistol & Carbine Crafted by Rogue) Good Samaritan Badge.
    • Grand prize for the first player to find and in-game mail Rogue the correct location of all 8 NPCs (player's choice of a rare vehicle from the list below). Grand prize entry must include all 8 waypoints.
      • BARC Speeder
      • Imperial BARC Speeder
      • Rebel BARC Speeder
      • AB-1 Landspeeder
      • Desert Skiff/Transport Skiff
      • Mustafar Lava Skiff
      • Tantive-IV Landspeeder
      • USV-5 Landspeeder
      • V-35 Landspeeder
      • XP-38 Landspeeder
    • Every participant who submits all 8 NPC locations correctly before the scheduled restart on the 13th will receive an accolade badge on their chosen character
  • Crafting Event
    The Rogue Outpost Chamber of Commerce (ROCC) requires your assistance in acquiring the following items to assist in preparation for the celebrations.

    How it works; starting around 08:00 after reset Monday, the Event Coordination staff will announce the first of 8 crafting items* to be created or resources gathered, and to be dropped off at a vendor located in the Rogue Outpost (-1020 -5572 Naboo). The final item must be crafted by the character submitting the entry (component pieces may be made by others, but must still meet any requirements requested). Items will be announced every 12-36 hours, until all 8 items have been listed, around 20:00 on Saturday. In order to ensure accuracy and to make things easier to track, only entries dropped off to the vendor will be accepted as valid. The time remaining on the vendor offering will be used to determine who was first to submit each item.

    *Crafting items will only need a skill level of Master Artisan or lower, the name of the item (and or subcomponents) will need to meet that which was specified by the Event Coordination staff, to prevent submission of items produced prior to the event.

    Prizes will be awarded as follows:
    • A minor prize for the first character to submit the item to the vendor (one prize per revealed item).
      • Limit of one minor prize per account to give all people a go at winning prizes
      • Minor prizes are a Lesser Prize Token
    • Grand prize for the first player to submit all 8 items to the vendor.
      • First to get all 8 in will win the grand prize, time remaining on the final of the 8 items to be submitted by any character will be used to determine the fastest.
      • The grand prize is a resource deed as awarded through the veteran rewards system.
    • Every participant who submits all 8 items before the scheduled restart on the 13th will receive an accolade badge on their crafting character.
  • Hidden Prize Boxes
    Once per day, Rogue or Koorlbardi will hide a single prize box. (The Treasure Chests available for rent from the NPC Event Coordinators for reference). Inside theses boxes (8 total) will be placed a single Lesser Prize Token as well as a limited selection of the missing counterfeit RogueChiss weapons for the collection badge quest. These boxes will be free-for-all, first come, first serve (they are limited to 1 item per character, the Weapon badge reward will only be granted once per account) They will expire 24 hours after placement, and they will not be replaced if they expire before they are found.

  • Live Events
    • DWB Jetpack Run (NEW for 2023)
      At 2100 EST Saturday 11 November 2023, the Event Staff will gather a group in an attempt to craft a Jetpack in the Death Watch Bunker. Staff will provide the parts for the Jetpack & a Droid Engineer/Master Artisan, but NO FURTHER STAFF ASSISTANCE/DIRECTION WILL BE PROVIDED. It shall be up to the community to come together to accomplish this and figure out how to survive the attempt, as well as provide the team members required. On the Awakening server, the DWB is a challenging place to be, so this will require some conversation among the community, and the correct group mix, Doctor & Medics are a must. Again, No Staff intervention will be provided. If the group is successful, the resulting Jetpack will be awarded to the Survivor of a round of Dice of Death!

    • Other Events
      As always, the Event Coordination staff will be hosting various live events throughout the celebration (as time permits), we hope to see you out there battling the forces of the galaxy!

Reminder, to be eligible to get the anniversary rewards (badge and paintings) you will need to restart all Awakening clients and the launcher if you have both open, after the Monday, November 6th restart. This is so the updated client file downloads to your Awakening install.

All events (their details, rules and/or prizes) for the 9th anniversary celebrations are subject to change, we will endeavour to advise players of any changes should they arise.

All times in this post are using United States Eastern Standard Time.

Important Notice: Time Zones can be tricky, and to make it even more interesting, our server time (US Eastern) will go from Eastern US Daylight Savings time (EDT) to Eastern US Standard time (EST) on Sunday the 5th of November at 02:00. Please remember this update in your calculations. As always, you can google the current time in New York City, USA if you wish to get a comparison for your location, just remember to adjust for any differences in Day Light Savings settings!

We, as a staff team would like to thank everyone for helping us make it to 9 years of continuous operation. Whether that be as a player or as a staff member. Without all of you Awakening wouldn't be here 9 years on from its inception. We look forward to whatever may lie before us in the years ahead! We hope to have you all along for the ride with us!

Live long and prosper :wink:,

SWG Awakening Staff Team

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Unread post Awakening Email Outage

Hello all, we are currently having some issues with our email forwarding for the "@swgawakening.com" email addresses. If you need to get in contact with us, and would normally do so via one of the Awakening email addresses, we ask that you use our ticket system instead.

Edit: This includes donation Forum and Discord Title emails.

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Unread post Hotfix 10.0.6 (08/28/23)

The live server has been updated to Hotfix/Patch 10.0.6 with the scheduled server restart at 8:00am this morning (EST).

Please restart your game clients and launcher to fetch the most up to date client files.

You can find the patch notes here.

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Unread post Hotfix/Patch 10.0.5 (08/21/2023)

G'day Awakening!

Following the scheduled restart this morning Hotfix/Patch 10.0.5 is now live.

You can find the notes here

We hope you enjoy!

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Unread post Launcher Version Update (1.2.2) - Please Read!

We are on the verge of releasing an update to the launcher which will increment us to version 1.2.2. The main reason for this update is to bring us up to date with the latest packages the launcher uses under the hood. In addition to fixing some bugs users have had with the launcher and adding some functionality for Discord Rich Presence. As a result of this, we will be losing support for Windows 7/8/8.1 with the mainstream launcher release. This will bring us in line with Microsoft's end of support for legacy operating systems. Anyone on Windows 10 or newer will not see much change apart from a launcher update being required the next time they open the launcher (once we release 1.2.2). Users with Windows 8.1 or older will need to switch to the Legacy Launcher. Once you have installed the Legacy Launcher, to copy over your game files, follow the steps below:
  1. Open your file explorer.
  2. Navigate to the install location of the current launcher (default C:\SWGAwakening\). Open the SWGAwakening folder. We will be selecting a number of files to copy over to your legacy installation.
  3. In this folder while holding the ctrl button we will be selecting the folder named "profiles", a file named "aliases.txt" and any files with "characterlist_" at the beginning of them. When you have them all selected, right click on the window and select the "Copy" option.
  4. Now that you have these files successfully copied, you will need to navigate back to the "This PC" page. From there you will need to navigate to your install location for the Legacy Launcher game files (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\SWGAwakening\).
  5. Once there, all you will need to do is make sure you are in the main folder for the game files, right click the window and then select the "Paste" option.
  6. Now, if all steps have been followed successfully you should be able to launch the game from the Legacy Launcher and have all of your notes, macros and aliases intact.
  7. Optional: In addition to those files which affect your game play there may also be other files you wish to keep. These include your screenshots from Awakening and skill planner save data (files with a .swg extension). If you would like to keep these as well, just copy them over using the same steps as above.
If you need assistance with this process of copying over your game files, please open a support ticket.

Users running on Windows 8.1 and older are urged to contemplate upgrading their OS, or buying new computers if they cannot upgrade the OS on their current system (if it is feasible to do so). These legacy operating systems are no longer being provided with security updates by Microsoft which patch vulnerabilities that hackers or malware may exploit.

Note: Users with non-Windows operating systems, this does not change anything for you, we still will not be providing support for users on non-Windows operating systems. Though the launcher code is publicly available at the link below, if you would like to try edit and compile a version of the launcher for your OS (macOS/Linux distros).


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