Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery

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We have decided to run a monthly CSR Prize Token lottery, this lottery will be run by one of the event promoter lottery droids. It will be located at *check the latest post for location* and will go through the last week of each month, feel free to enter as many toons as you want. When the lottery droid timer comes to an end it will randomly select a winner from all entrants, the chosen entrant will then be announced here and in-game (so keep an eye out for if it is you). Your CSR Prize Token will only be put on hold for one month after the draw, if you don't pick it up by then it will no longer be available (contact Cyclone to pick it up).

This event is designed to give people who don't have much time to spare for the long running monthly events or other live events a chance to get some cool CSR prizes, we hope you enjoy!

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November 2018 lottery droid now up at Mos Eisley Tatooine (WP: 3518 -4809), one week timer from now.

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Congratulations to Telas, the first winner of our monthly CSR token lottery, the next lottery droid will be stationed in the same position in the last week of December for the next monthly CSR Token Lottery.

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December 2018 lottery droid now up at Mos Eisley Tatooine (WP: 3518 -4809), one week timer from now.

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Congratulations to the winner of the December 2018 Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery, Taarna! Please contact me to pick up your CSR Token.

The next lottery droid will be stationed in the same position in the last week of January 2019 for the next monthly CSR Token Lottery.

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January 2019 lottery droid now up at Mos Eisley, Tatooine (WP: 3518 -4809), one week timer from now (I am a bit late, sorry).

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Congratulations to, Tefanya, the winner of the January 2019 CSR Token Lottery!

The next lottery droid will be stationed in the same position, in the last week of February 2019 for the next monthly CSR Token Lottery.

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February 2019 lottery droid now up at Mos Eisley, Tatooine (WP: 3518 -4809), one week timer from now.

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Winner - February

Congratulations to the winner of the February 2019 Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery, Hazeroth! Please contact me to pick up your CSR Token.

The next lottery droid will be stationed in a different city for the next monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery.

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March 2019 lottery droid now up at Theed, Naboo (WP: -4881 4134), one week timer from now.

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Winner - March

Congratulations to the winner of the March 2019 Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery, Nuggett Dundee! Please contact me to pick up your CSR Token.

The next lottery droid will be stationed in a different city for the next monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery.

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Location - April 2019

The lottery droid for the monthly CSR Prize Token lottery has been placed in, Coronet, Corellia (WP: -151, -4724).
You have 1 week to enter the lottery on as many toons as you like before a winner will be randomly drawn from all entrants, best of luck!

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Winner - April

Congratulations to the winner of the April 2019 Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery, Walker-Texas Ranger! Please contact me to pick up your CSR Token.

The next lottery droid will be stationed in a different city for the next monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery.

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Location - May 2019

The lottery droid for the monthly CSR Prize Token lottery has been placed in, Restuss, Rori (WP: 5364, 5656).
You have 1 week to enter the lottery on as many toons as you like before a winner will be randomly drawn from all entrants, best of luck!

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Winner - May

Congratulations to the winner of the May 2019 Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery, MikeTT Bron! Please contact me to pick up your CSR Token.

The next lottery droid will be stationed in a different city for the next monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery.

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Location - June 2019

The lottery droid for the monthly CSR Prize Token lottery has been placed in, Nym's Stonghold, Lok (WP: 446, 5467).
You have 1 week to enter the lottery on as many toons as you like before a winner will be randomly drawn from all entrants, best of luck!

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Update

The lottery droid did a dodgy and disappeared on server restart before I got to check the winner, this means I can't announce who has won the lottery at this point in time.

To everyone who entered please check your toons for a mail saying whether you won or not, if you have a mail saying you did, please send me screenshot of the mail window with the contents and the timestamp of the mail. If I get someone with the mail then I'll honour it and award the token to you (as long as everything checks out).

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Winner - June

Congratulations to the winner of the June 2019 Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery, Drackem Selar! Please contact me to pick up your CSR Token.

The next lottery droid will be stationed in a different city for the next monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery.

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Location - July 2019

The lottery droid for the monthly CSR Prize Token lottery has been placed in the Pirate Outpost, Dantooine (WP: 1632, -6376).
You have 1 week to enter the lottery on as many toons as you like before a winner will be randomly drawn from all entrants, best of luck!

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Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery Winner - July

Congratulations to the winner of the July 2019 Monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery, Durga! Please contact me to pick up your CSR Token.

The next lottery droid will be stationed in a different city for the next monthly CSR Prize Token Lottery.

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