December Race Track

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Event Coordinator
<b>Event Coordinator</b>
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:38 am

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The Rogue Wanderer & The Awakening Racing Team, in cooperation with His High Exaltedness, The Mighty Jabba the Hutt are proud to announce the first of our Monthly Prize Token Pod Races. This race will be hosted at the Mos Espa track (/waypoint 2400 5000) on Tatooine.
Here is how it works; Starting Thursday 0800 American Eastern time (EST), and running through to 0100 Monday morning (EST), all Awakening players and invited to participate in the monthly Pod Race. To join the race please use the Race Coordinator Droid (located at 2400 5000) to register your race time around the circuit. While this droid resets the top times daily, we will log all of the times for the weekend in order to determine the winner and runner up. Please do not use the fastest times indicated by the droid to try and determine the winner as it will potentially be inaccurate.
There are two prizes to be awarded, one for first place (quickest time), a CSR Token. The runner up, will receive a random draw from a lucky dip bag containing many random goodies.
It is a POD or VEHICLE race, sponsored by Jabba the Hutt, so NO force running Jedi. We will track the involvement of Jedi in the race and to keep it fair any times completed by a Jedi character will be disqualified. This is to allow fair and equal footing for participation by new players as well as seasoned veterans of Awakening. Let’s make this a fun event everyone has a reasonable chance to win!

Event Coordinator
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