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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:40 am

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We appreciate when players take the time to let us know when things are working quite as expected. It's very challenging to find and fix bugs. While we do need the input we really need players to give greater details when submitting these reports. While we can dig through logs and database files it takes a huge amount of time to do so.

As always thank you for your help!

Please wait until April 11th 2017 to submit any new Tickets or place Bug Reports. Anything added in the next 48 hours to live will be deleted. After Publish 8 is released please submit bug reports in the Support area of the forums as always. Once Publish 9 hits Test Center we will have our separate bug report section under
Testing. Please check on the emu forums before reporting bugs about publish 8. It's a year old now and many of these bugs will be fixed in Publish 9. If so there is no reason to report it here again. We aren't doing independent patches for core bugs. We will wait until the next publish unless it's custom code we have written ourselves.

Submissions for multiple accounts will have to wait until 4/11/17. We aren't taking anymore requests until then. You'll just have to wait.

Retired Founder of SWG Awakening
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