If you need to reset a forgotten forum account password please use the "I forgot my password" form. After this you will need to do an additional password reset via a different form in order to synchronise your forum account password and your Awakening game account password. This is due to an issue that was discovered following an update to the forum software that changed the main password reset function, it no longer synchronises the game and forum passwords. The additional password reset must be undertaken through the password reset form on the profile page, you will need to be logged into your account and use a password which is different to the one you currently have set on your account. The reset operation from that page has not been affected by the update and will properly trigger an account sync.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused to any of our players.
Password Reset - How to Synchronise your Game and Forum Account Password
SWG Awakening Administrator and Developer
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SWG Awakening Administrator and Developer
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This work around should no longer need to be used, all password reset forms should update the forum and live game server password for your account. If anyone notices any further issues please notify us about them.
SWG Awakening Administrator and Community Support Team Lead
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SWG Awakening Administrator and Community Support Team Lead
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