The Rogue Wanderer, Koorlbardi and the rest of the Awakening staff are proud to announce the first of many planned events in honor of our upcoming 10th Anniversary in November of 2024.
The first event will be a return of the Galactic Home Show (GHS), with a Roguish twist. The community will be given the whole month of October to decorate a medium windowed house located at the Rogue OutPost as they see fit. All who participate by making a good faith effort to decorate the house, will be permitted to keep admin on this house after the event concludes.
Starting approximately Sunday the 15th of September, 2024 the Awakening staff will make a single medium windowed house located in the Rogue OutPost available to any player who requests to enter the GHS.
Houses will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. The event team will keep a master list of the assigned houses. To request a house, shout out in GENERAL chat that you are looking for a house to decorate, and Rogue or Koorlbardi will assign you one. If you do not get a response, please open a support ticket. Patience is key, as staff availability is always a concern, and we have to be in-game to grant you admin. Once the house is assigned to you, feel free to add any alts you intend to decorate with, but to make things easier to follow, kindly use your MAIN identity to request the house. Strict limit of 1 house per physical player, please do NOT test us on this issue, strict consequences may be imposed to those violating the spirit of that statement.
All players shall have the entire month of October to decorate their houses, and your houses may be PRIVATE for that month if you wish, but approximately Sunday the 3rd of November 2024, the staff will switch all entered houses PUBLIC, and they shall be public for the remainder of the month of November to permit the entire community time to observe and judge the houses.
Prizes & Judging
A forum poll shall be opened up to the community at large for judging the first week of November for the best house in each of the following categories:
- Crafting/Enterprise Themed House
- The most impressively decorated house fitting a theme of crafting/enterprise in Star Wars Galaxies. Prize: Players Choice of a YT-1300 House or Kashyyyk Tree House.
- Rebellion Themed House
- The most impressively decorated house fitting a Rebel faction theme in the Star Wars context. Prize: Rebel Spire House.
- Imperial Themed House
- The most impressively decorated house fitting a Imperial faction theme in the Star Wars context. Prize: Emperor's Spire House.
To register for the category you wish your house to be judged in, just in-game email Rogue anytime after the 1st of October but before the 21st of October, the theme of your entry should be listed in the subject line of the email. If there is not a minimum of 3 entries in a particular theme by October 21st, the staff team reserves the right to retract that theme from the competition. Judging will not begin until November, late entrants are welcome for any theme that achieved par levels. If community response is overwhelming, Awakening staff reserves the right to short-list the entrants to 5-7 for the public voting round for each theme. All participating players will still be permitted to remain on admin for the house after the event. All houses must remain public after the event.
Staff reserves the right to REVOKE admin access to any house that does not display a genuine effort with decoration by the 3rd of November.
As these houses will remain owned by staff accounts, at no time will any player be granted residence or voting rights in the Rogue OutPost.
Events like this are a real joy and pleasure to execute, but we the Awakening staff ask everyone to keep in mind that we are all here to have fun! A little bit of common sense and common courtesy goes a long way in making the more elaborate events more enjoyable for all.
Best of luck in this, our first of many planned 10th Anniversary events!
Rogue, Koorlbardi and the Awakening staff.