Player Harassment

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I want to remind all players to be on your best behavior. Sometimes people get carried away and forget that there are rules on how not to interact with fellow community members both in-game and on the forums. Everyone has an /addignore option, I suggest you use it if you find you cannot tolerate another players words of.....whatever. There is also a profanity filter for you if you don't want to see swearing in chat, but that is not a license to start cursing off in our General Chat channel.

SWG Awakening Administrator and Community Support Team Lead
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Update: Changed language/phrasing on initial topic post. Changed poster from Cynar to Cyclone.

SWG Awakening Administrator and Community Support Team Lead
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Reminder to some of our players currently in-game, if you mess with people too much you cause them to quit, this does not help the community we have here in any way. If we continually get complaints about your conduct in-game or on any of our other platforms you can be sure that we will investigate your conduct and potentially give you a vacation from the services we provide. Play & have fun, try not to make life a misery for others (killing someone in PvP does not count unless it is via an exploit or breaking another of our rules).

This is becoming a pretty frequent issue amongst some players in our community, we don't expect everyone to get along but be civil at the very minimum. However if you are getting killed or beaten up frequently because you mouthed off or got in a nasty verbal exchange, don’t ask staff for help. You can’t call someone names and engage them, then expect us to be sympathetic to your plight.

If you pick a faction you open yourself up to PvP which you might not really want. That’s why the choice to stay or go back to neutral status is there. If you play a Jedi don't complain if you constantly die to a BH, be careful and stay off the terms, just because you worked for the Jedi doesn't mean you get an immunity pass.

SWG Awakening Administrator and Community Support Team Lead
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