• Welcome
Welcome to SWg Awakening Pre-Cu!

SWG Awakening is a Pre-CU based Star Wars Galaxies Server powered by SWGEmu. Awakening's goal is to revive Star Wars Galaxies and bring back Pre-CU in all its glory! Awakening has a unique Jedi unlock system, that NO other server incorporates. The goal with this new Jedi system is to bring back some mystery when obtaining Jedi.

To play on Awakening, you will need a copy of the original Star Wars Galaxies client. An Empire Divided, The Total Experience, or The Complete Online Adventures is required. Clients obtained through illegal means are strictly forbidden. Copies of the game are still available at most major online marketplaces. Please visit Play Now for a full guide on how to connect to SWG Awakening.

Note: If you register and don't receive an activation email within 15 minutes, please, check your spam folder. If you continue to have problems activating, please open a support ticket

  • Latest news

Unread post Launcher Version Update (1.2.2) - Please Read!

We are on the verge of releasing an update to the launcher which will increment us to version 1.2.2. The main reason for this update is to bring us up to date with the latest packages the launcher uses under the hood. In addition to fixing some bugs users have had with the launcher and adding some functionality for Discord Rich Presence. As a result of this, we will be losing support for Windows 7/8/8.1 with the mainstream launcher release. This will bring us in line with Microsoft's end of support for legacy operating systems. Anyone on Windows 10 or newer will not see much change apart from a launcher update being required the next time they open the launcher (once we release 1.2.2). Users with Windows 8.1 or older will need to switch to the Legacy Launcher. Once you have installed the Legacy Launcher, to copy over your game files, follow the steps below:
  1. Open your file explorer.
  2. Navigate to the install location of the current launcher (default C:\SWGAwakening\). Open the SWGAwakening folder. We will be selecting a number of files to copy over to your legacy installation.
  3. In this folder while holding the ctrl button we will be selecting the folder named "profiles", a file named "aliases.txt" and any files with "characterlist_" at the beginning of them. When you have them all selected, right click on the window and select the "Copy" option.
  4. Now that you have these files successfully copied, you will need to navigate back to the "This PC" page. From there you will need to navigate to your install location for the Legacy Launcher game files (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\SWGAwakening\).
  5. Once there, all you will need to do is make sure you are in the main folder for the game files, right click the window and then select the "Paste" option.
  6. Now, if all steps have been followed successfully you should be able to launch the game from the Legacy Launcher and have all of your notes, macros and aliases intact.
  7. Optional: In addition to those files which affect your game play there may also be other files you wish to keep. These include your screenshots from Awakening and skill planner save data (files with a .swg extension). If you would like to keep these as well, just copy them over using the same steps as above.
If you need assistance with this process of copying over your game files, please open a support ticket.

Users running on Windows 8.1 and older are urged to contemplate upgrading their OS, or buying new computers if they cannot upgrade the OS on their current system (if it is feasible to do so). These legacy operating systems are no longer being provided with security updates by Microsoft which patch vulnerabilities that hackers or malware may exploit.

Note: Users with non-Windows operating systems, this does not change anything for you, we still will not be providing support for users on non-Windows operating systems. Though the launcher code is publicly available at the link below, if you would like to try edit and compile a version of the launcher for your OS (macOS/Linux distros).


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Unread post Donation Progress Bar

The donation progress bar will be receiving manual updates every 12-24 hours again based on the donations received for the month. We appreciate any and all financial donations to Awakening. No matter the size of contribution, you are directly helping Awakening stay in operation! Donation roles on the forum and Discord will be receiving updates again when we get a request to the admin@swgawakening.com email as outlined at donation

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Unread post Web Server and phpBB Updates

Hello all, I have spent some time doing system updates to our web server and updating our website's phpBB version to the latest release. This ensures we have the latest security patches to keep your data safe and secure on Awakening's servers. Following the update I have given the website a once over and checked the critical functions are working, but if you happen to notice anything isn't functioning correctly, please open a ticket and let us know about it so we can fix it.

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Unread post Awakening Operating System Survey

Hi all,

We are running a survey to gain insight into what operating system our players are using on the computers they use to play SWG Awakening with. This survey is a short 1-2 minute survey that will greatly benefit us in understanding our players. We appreciate everyone taking the time to complete it.

The survey can be found on our website at the Operating System Survey page (direct link: https://swgawakening.com/operating-system-survey)

As we work to update the packages our launcher runs on, we will be losing support for Windows 7/8/8.1 with the mainstream launcher release. This will bring us in line with Microsoft's end of support for legacy operating systems. As a result of this, we may need to provide an alternative option for users with legacy Windows operating systems to connect to Awakening's servers. We will develop our plan based on user responses to this survey, though work has already commenced to provide avenues to enable this. See the current version of the Play Now page to see our work so far.

Note: Users with non-Windows operating systems, this does not change anything for you, we still will not be providing support for users on non-Windows operating systems. Though the launcher code is publicly available at the link below, if you would like to try edit and compile a version of the launcher for your OS (macOS/Linux distros).


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Unread post Server Online - Current Status - 05/22/2023

The Server is Back up!!! Thanks to Incognito & Cyclone for going the extra mile to get things working again.

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